<div1 type="BR_MBpage" id="GLBRMB20101MB201010088"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBRMB201010088"></xptr>
<p n="575">Continued Thursday 21st: Novr: 1793.</p>
<p n="576">Reportand Apprentices might be made to obtain greater advantages<lb></lb>
to at least four times the number if bestowed in Apprentice<lb></lb>
Fees to the Sons and Daughters of poor but deserving<obscured></obscured>
parents who might (on the presentation of the Governors<lb></lb>
in a rotation similar to Christs Hospital) be bound to<lb></lb>
industrious Tradesmen and Artificers likely to keep them<lb></lb>
above want and to enable them to get a livelihood on the<lb></lb>
expiration of their terms and suitable rewards might be<lb></lb>
added if necessary to encourage the good behaviour of the Masters<lb></lb>
as well as Apprentices; by this method the Boys would learn<lb></lb>
a greater variety of Trades, and be so much dispersed that<lb></lb>
the irregularity of a few would not affect the remainder:<lb></lb>
and the proportionable expence would be very much reduced.<lb></lb>
But whether it is within the power of the Governors, whether<lb></lb>
totally clear of objection, or whether a better method may not<lb></lb>
be devised we conceive to be questions deserving fuller<lb></lb>
<p n="577">In that branch of the institution which respects<lb></lb>
the Vagrant, destitute and Criminal Poor, we meet with less<lb></lb>
difficulty; because we understand that solitary Confinement<lb></lb>
for a limitted time to a certain degree and with a moderate<lb></lb>
quantity of labour has been proved by experience the best<lb></lb>
reformer of the Vices punished by Houses of Correction but<lb></lb>
as all the consequences of introducing such a regulation unto<lb></lb>
the <rs type="placeName" id="GLBRMB20101_geo60">Hospital of Bridewell</rs>
<interp inst="GLBRMB20101_geo60" type="placeName" value="Hospital of Bridewell"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBRMB20101_geo60" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
cannot immediately be foreseen we<lb></lb>
shall content ourselves at present with recommending to this<lb></lb>
Honourable Court</p>
<p n="578">FirstThat the House on the North side of the Quadrangle<lb></lb>
adjoining the Mens Prison be fitted up and properly secured<lb></lb>
under the direction of the Prison Committee for the Solitary<lb></lb>
confinement and employment of such of the Male Prisoners<lb></lb>
(except Vagrants to be passed to their respective Parishes) as<lb></lb>
shall be directed by the said Committee giving the preference<lb></lb>
to those who may be most likely to be reformed thereby.</p>
<p n="579">SecondThat the House on the West side of the Quadrangle<lb></lb>
adjoining the Womens Prison and lately occupied by the<lb></lb>
Matron be fitted up in the same manner for the confinement</p>

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