<div1 type="BA_MVpage" id="GLBAMV11300MV113000340"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBAMV113000340"></xptr>
<p n="1280">to Aldgate High Street till all other Parts of it be full of Corpses And an Ordered<lb></lb>
Vestry be made for the Burying there in So that the going out & Coming out of the<obscured></obscured>
be not Incommoded or Old trusted by the Digging of Graves or breaking up of the<lb></lb>
Pavement or the Entrance Defaced And that all Graves in the Church Yard<lb></lb>
in the Vaults and or the Church be dug 6 feet deepat Least & that no Corps be to<lb></lb>
above Ground in the Vaulty (Except in the inclosed Vaults under the Steple<lb></lb>
Stair Cases) And that all the Grown Corpses be Deposited in Rows one at the<obscured></obscured>
the Other & not Laid upon one an other till the whole of the Church Yard Esw<obscured></obscured>
before has been dug thero' Save at the side of the Church yard Wall where<obscured></obscured>
Case must be taken in the Digging not to hint the Same And to Prevent<lb></lb>
Damage happening to it We are of Opinion That the Head of the Coffins<lb></lb>
put against the Wale & not laid a long side of it Whereby the Wall w<obscured></obscured>
be laid Open any great Wid that a time nor Endanger it's falling and that<obscured></obscured>
wele there as in all other Parts of the Church yard & Vaults the Graves be<obscured></obscured>
filled up with Earth & well Rammed & the Ground laid Level And We are of<lb></lb>
Opinion That no flat Grave Stone or Head Stone be Permitted to be laid<obscured></obscured>
Set in the Church Yard or Vaults nor Fees planted in the Church Yard w<obscured></obscured>
Roots by Spreading under the Ground would Obstruct the Digging of the Gr<obscured></obscured>
And that for the Corpses of Children under 8 years old there be not any fre<obscured></obscured>
Ground broken up but a Grave dug & such Corpse laid up on a Grown On<obscured></obscured>
then lately buryed And We are of Opinion that the Sexton be annua<obscured></obscured>
allowed the same as Usual for Looking after the Clock & Steple & Ring<obscured></obscured>
the Tenor a Quarter of an Hour before 6 in the morning between Mich<obscured></obscured>
& Ladyday And Lastly We have drawn up a Table of the dues & Fees<lb></lb>
paid to the Minister Churchwardens Clerk & Sexton of this Parish which<lb></lb>
all the fore going Report we submit to the Vestry which Table of Fees f<obscured></obscured>
<p n="1281">In the three Vaults under<lb></lb>
the Steple & Stair Cases for<lb></lb>
Manor Woman</p>
<p n="1282">To the Churchwardens for Burying<lb></lb>
& Bell}£2..0s..0d</p>
<p n="1283">Passing Bell£0..3s..6d<lb></lb>
<p n="1284">To the Churchwardens for<lb></lb>
Burying & Bell}£1<obscured></obscured>
<p n="1285">Passing Bell£0<obscured></obscured>
<p n="1286">A Child under 8 years Old.</p>

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