<div1 type="BA_MVpage" id="GLBAMV11300MV113000287"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBAMV113000287"></xptr>
<p n="999">At a Vestry held for the whole parish in the Tabernackle On Monday the <lb></lb>
day of Septemr. 1741</p>
<p n="1000">Present</p>
<p n="1001">Mr Deputy Pycroft<lb></lb>
Mr Mackelcan<lb></lb>
Mr Holloway<lb></lb>
Mr Whalley<lb></lb>
Mr Fly<lb></lb>
Mr Fisher<lb></lb>
Mr Wilson<lb></lb>
Mr Hawes<lb></lb>
Mr Griffin<lb></lb>
Mr Brazier<lb></lb>
Mr Collett<lb></lb>
Mr Willson Junr<lb></lb>
Mr Bridgman<lb></lb>
Mr Long<lb></lb>
Mr Mansfield<lb></lb>
Mr Broughton<lb></lb>
<del>Mr Hall</del>
<p n="1002">Mr Grace<lb></lb>
Mr Harle<lb></lb>
Mr Whitley<lb></lb>
Mr Parry<lb></lb>
Mr Bantham<lb></lb>
Mr Avis<lb></lb>
Mr Towers<lb></lb>
Mr Watts<lb></lb>
Mr Myers<lb></lb>
Mr Ackland<lb></lb>
Mr Phipps<lb></lb>
Mr Buclen<lb></lb>
Mr Willbourne<lb></lb>
Mr Bennett<lb></lb>
Mr Wellburne</p>
<p n="1003">Mr Cole<lb></lb>
Mr Jacobson<lb></lb>
Mr Atkinson</p>
<p n="1004">The Last Orders Read</p>
<p n="1005">agreed that the Organ will the appears be Insured in Surveyor the <lb></lb>
offices agt loss by this with at appeard on</p>
<p n="1006">The Church Wardens on behalf of the Parish Requisted the Macklcan<lb></lb>
that he would give Lease for the Organ to be Removed from Mr <lb></lb>
Broughtons to his warehouse which he readilly consented to and <lb></lb>
the same was Ordered accordingly</p>
<p n="1007">Ordered that there be Cases for the Organ.</p>
<p n="1008">Ordered that Tomorow weirs or passages be cuttervill made for the <lb></lb>
considering of the Inhabitants passing & not passing to the Tabernacle</p>
<p n="1009">Ordered that the charges & executives of the Engines be from lived formely paid by the <lb></lb>
Upper Churchwardens of said Put of the parish</p>

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