At a Meeting of the Guardians at the
the 9th. day of October 1767
William Rogers< no role >
Edward Kibble< no role >
Thomas Sabe< no role >
Mr. Joseph Loder< no role >
, Churchwarden
The Churchwarden Acquainted the Guardians that
Brown a Female Infant of the Age of about four
Months has been admitted into the Workhouse on the
7th. Instant which Child is ill of the spotted Feve [..]
The Guardians had Ann Hammersley< no role >
mentd. in the Minutes of the last Meeting brought by
them And being found clean & healthy was Ordered
be sent into the Country to the other Children
John Wilson< no role >
Aged about 3 years & one Month who [..]
taken out of the Workhouse
by his Mother on the 14th. [..]
of July last, has been since admitted again into the
House on the 23d. September last & been ill but la [..]
recovered, And the Guardians having now the said [..]
brought before them found him proper in health &
otherwise to be Sent into the Country to Nurse, an [..]
Ordered the same accordingly.
The Churchwarden Reported that he had [..]
yesterday seen Mr Barham the Master of the House
the Country where the Parish Poor Children are at the
who informed him that the Nine Children belonging to [..]
Parish under his Care are all healthy & well.