Middlesex ss
Elizabeth Summons< no role >
the wife
Summons< no role >
maketh oath that her Sd husband is at
Present absent from her in Places to her unknown and she
Can give no Account of his Settlement That She this
Depont was heretofore duly bound Apprentice to and
Served the whole thereof with Mrs
Mary Lawrence< no role >
Upper East Smithfield
in the Parish of St Botolph
witht Aldgate
in the Sd County and has not Since
done any Act to gain a Subsequent Settlement for
herself Save what she has acquired by her Marriage
with her Sd husband whose Settlement is to her unknown
That She hath a Child named
Richard Summons< no role >
about two Years & eight Months the lawful Issue of
this Deponent by her Sd husband to whom she was
lawfully married
Sworn this. 26. day of
October 1786
R Davies
The Mark of
Elizabeth [mark] Summons< no role >