<div1 type="BA_ACpage" id="GLBAAC10004AC100040220"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="GLBAAC100040220"></xptr>
<p n="1404">The LikeNo. 4945.0.11<lb></lb>
The Like50107..11.3<lb></lb>
paid Mr. Webster's Gift in Nobles to poor people6.0.-<lb></lb>
Paid Mr. Rooke a years Rent for Still Alley due at Christmas last34.-.-<lb></lb>
Paid Mr. Heckford a years's Rent due at Michaelmas50.-.-<lb></lb>
Paid 'Squire Garford's Gift to poor people at the Church6.13.4<lb></lb>
Paid 'Squire Cooch's Gift in Bread5.-.-</p>
<p n="1405"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Paid Sir <rs type="persName" id="GLBAAC10004_n1405-1">John Fenner</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_n1405-1" type="given" value="John"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_n1405-1" type="surname" value="Fenner"></interp>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_n1405-1" type="gender" value="male"></interp>
's Gift in Bibles £5:5. and to Mr Hall upper<lb></lb>
Churchwarden of the Lordship part of the parish £5.5.<hi rend="braceResult"> 10.10.-</hi>
<p n="1406"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">The Ch:Wn. by<lb></lb>
mistake has<lb></lb>
charged Him in one<lb></lb>
of ye Checks{</note>
Paid the Chamberlain of London a year's Ground kent due at Michaelmas<lb></lb>
last £1:13}</p>
<p n="1407"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Paid by Order of Vestry to Mr. Vokins late upper <rs type="occupation" id="GLBAAC10004_occ215">Churchwarden</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_occ215" type="occupation" value="Churchwarden"></interp>
for the Year<lb></lb>
1746. to Discharge the Debts Contracted by him in his said<lb></lb>
Churchwardenship which were unpaid at the Auditing his Account<hi rend="braceResult"> 171.17:5<obscured></obscured>
<p n="1408"> <hi rend="brace"> <lb></lb>
Paid likewise (by Order of Vestry to Mr Buswell late upper <rs type="occupation" id="GLBAAC10004_occ216">Churchwarden</rs>
<interp inst="GLBAAC10004_occ216" type="occupation" value="Churchwarden"></interp>
for the year 1747. the Ballance due to him from the Parish in auditing<lb></lb>
of his Accounts<hi rend="braceResult"> 82.10.7¾</hi>
<p n="1409">Paid the Vestry Clerk a years Salary2.-.-<lb></lb>
for drawing and Ingrossing this Account & for the Book1.2.6<lb></lb>
For the Accountant's Trouble in Collecting the Parish Rents2.-.-<lb></lb>
Expended Auditing this Account2.-.-<lb></lb>

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