Disbursements Per Sundrys Continued
Paid the Warders one Years Sallary5 - -
Paid the Clerk of the Vestry one Years Sallary2 - -
Paid Mr. Walker for one Years Sacrament Wine4..2..8
Paid Mr. Coleman for one Years Coffins for the Penhoners14..7 -
Paid Mrs. Rook for one Years Ground Rent for the Houses in Still Alley due
Christmas 1738
34 -..-
Paid Mr. Heckford for one Years Rent for the Shopps under Sr. John Cass< no role >
's Charity School 50 -..-
Paid Mr. Long Interest for £508..15s..6½d from the Tenth of February 1734 to the
Sixteenth of June 1736 being one Year four Months and Six Days £34..6s..8d and
also Interest of £408..15s..6½ from the 16th. June 1736 to the Tenth of February 1737
being one Year Seven months and 25 Days £33..15s..1¾ d} 68..1s..9¾
Paid Mr. Till One Years Interest for £600 due Christmas 173830..-..-
Paid Mr. Gordon one Year and an half Interest for £200 due the 24th June 1739 25..-..-
Paid Mr. Miller
late Overseer
of Covent Garden
Precinct the Ballance due to
him pursuant to an Order of Vestry
Paid to Anthony Shelden< no role >
late Overseer
of Covent Garden
Precinct the Deficiency
of his Poors Book} -..7..-
Paid to Mr. John Grace< no role >
late Overseer
of Tower Hill
Precinct Ditto13..17..3
To Mr. Belial Johnson late Overseer of Houndsditch
Precinct Ditto4..6..6
To Mr. Thomas Wright< no role >
late Overseer
of the Barrs Precinct Ditto2..15..6
April 26th.
Paid Expences at the Bell Tavern
with the Overseers of the Poor-..12..6
Paid Ditto on a Search from the Church-..2..6
May 30th.
Paid Ditto for making the Poors Book for Covent Garden
June 2d.
Paid Ditto for Houndsditch
Paid Ditto for Barrs Precinct- ..8..3
May 4th
Paid Ditto for Tower hill
Paid Ditto for Hightstreet Precinct-..5..-
June 27th
Paid Expences on Auditing Mr. Gordons Workhouse
Paid Expences at the Crown on the Committee of the Workhouse
Paid Expences on Attendance at Guildhall
Sessions- ..3..6
August 3d.
Paid Expences on Mr. Fry in going before the Lord Mayor-..1..6
Paid Expences at the Crown Tavern
in Receiving the Ballance of Mr. Gordons
Account Mr. Rogers Fine and Paying Mr. Till Mr. Long and Mr. Gordons
Interest and Mr. Millers Debt} -..15..3
Septemr. 4th.
Paid Expences at the Quarter Sessions at Guildhall
on an Appeal-..3..7