Disbursements Continued
£ S
26 July 8 October
23 Decembr. 27 March}
Paid Bourn the Beadle One years Sallary one Lady Day 173726 0
15 Sepr.
4 May}
Paid Mr Till one Years Interest for 600 due from the Ward the 19th. of February 173630 0
8 October
6 April}
Paid Mr. Herkford
one years Rent for the Shopps under the School one Lady Day 173750 0
4 November
Paid Mr. Churchwardens Jordan the half of Mrs. Trumballs Gift3 15
2 December
Paid Ground Rent for the Watch house and little Shops to the City due at Lady day 17371 6
Paid Esqr Websters Nobles to 16 poor persons5 6
10 February
Paid Mr Salt Attorney his Bill for Appeals6 17
17 February
Paid the Comptroller of the City for the Leases of the little Shops8 9
Gave him as a Gratuity by the Order of the Deputy and Common Council5 5
To Mr. Parry his Clerk1 1
3 Novemr.
Paid for Advertizeing the little Shopps to be lett0 12
Paid Esqr Garfords Nobles to 20 poor persons6 13
Paid Mr. Churchwarden Jordan his Moiety of Sr. John Fenners Gift4 11
16 May
Paid Mrs. Smith Stationer for Bibles2 12
16 May
Paid Ditto for Penns Ink and paper the whole year1 1
21 May
Paid Mr. Groves for Coffins and Shrouds for the whole year10 11
25 May
Paid Mrs. Cook the Deficiency on her husbands Overseers Book2 4
26 May
Paid Mr. Barwell for a years Comemoration0 12
27 May
Paid Mr. Walker for Wine for the whole year3 12
16 May
Paid the Widow
for Bread for the use of the Hospitall5 0
16 May
Paid Widow
for Bread5 2
Paid the Five Warders one years Sallary at 25 Each5 0
26 May
Paid Mr. Williams for Bread5 8
26 May
Paid myself the Ballance due to me on my Overseers Account0 19
23 June
Paid Mr. Ackland the Ballance of his Upper wardens Account2 0
194 0