St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1732 - 1759

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100040070

Image 70 of 331 1736

Disbursements Continued

£ S

26 July 8 October
23 Decembr. 27 March}

Paid Bourn the Beadle One years Sallary one Lady Day 173726 0 [..]

15 Sepr.
4 May}

Paid Mr Till one Years Interest for 600 due from the Ward the 19th. of February 173630 0 [..]

8 October
6 April}

Paid Mr. Herkford one years Rent for the Shopps under the School one Lady Day 173750 0 [..]

4 November

Paid Mr. Churchwardens Jordan the half of Mrs. Trumballs Gift3 15 [..]

2 December

Paid Ground Rent for the Watch house and little Shops to the City due at Lady day 17371 6 [..]
Paid Esqr Websters Nobles to 16 poor persons5 6 [..]

10 February

Paid Mr Salt Attorney his Bill for Appeals6 17 [..]

17 February

Paid the Comptroller of the City for the Leases of the little Shops8 9 [..]


Gave him as a Gratuity by the Order of the Deputy and Common Council5 5 [..]


To Mr. Parry his Clerk1 1 [..]

3 Novemr.

Paid for Advertizeing the little Shopps to be lett0 12 [..]
Paid Esqr Garfords Nobles to 20 poor persons6 13 [..]
Paid Mr. Churchwarden Jordan his Moiety of Sr. John Fenners Gift4 11 [..]

16 May

Paid Mrs. Smith Stationer for Bibles2 12 [..]

16 May

Paid Ditto for Penns Ink and paper the whole year1 1 [..]

21 May

Paid Mr. Groves for Coffins and Shrouds for the whole year10 11 [..]

25 May

Paid Mrs. Cook the Deficiency on her husbands Overseers Book2 4 [..]

26 May

Paid Mr. Barwell for a years Comemoration0 12 [..]

27 May

Paid Mr. Walker for Wine for the whole year3 12 [..]

16 May

Paid the Widow Gardiner for Bread for the use of the Hospitall5 0 [..]

16 May

Paid Widow Gardiner for Bread5 2 [..]
Paid the Five Warders one years Sallary at 25 Each5 0 [..]

26 May

Paid Mr. Williams for Bread5 8 [..]

26 May

Paid myself the Ballance due to me on my Overseers Account0 19 [..]

23 June

Paid Mr. Ackland the Ballance of his Upper wardens Account2 0 [..]
194 0 [..]

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