<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100331"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100331"></xptr>
<p n="3387">Continued, Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date274">31st.. Jany.. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date274" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3388"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report<lb></lb>
Select Commitee</note>
<p n="3389"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Their duties<lb></lb>
a objects defined</note>
in the arrangement of any measures for the application<lb></lb>
of the Revenues of Bridewell, it will be essential to divide<lb></lb>
the several objects of attention between different Sub. Committee<lb></lb>
to be elected out of such General Committee, and to be<lb></lb>
independant of each other; each responsible to the General<lb></lb>
Committee as that Committee will be answer able to the<lb></lb>
General Court.That the Sub. Committees should consist.<lb></lb>
of five Persons each. one of whom should be the Visitor<lb></lb>
for the time and two sufficient for dispatch of Business<lb></lb>
at the prefixe'd times for the Meeting to the Committee.<lb></lb>
That, in the appointment of these Committees, those<lb></lb>
Governors should be Preferred whose local Situations and<lb></lb>
Personal inclination would be most likely to secure a<lb></lb>
regular and convenient attendance, and that in case of,<lb></lb>
any Member of the Sub Committee declaring that it is<lb></lb>
not convenient for him to attend, a new Member be<lb></lb>
thereupon appointed from the General Commitee.</p>
<p n="3390">That Minutes be made of every act done by such<lb></lb>
Committees respectively, with the reasons thereof and that<lb></lb>
the Minutes of every Sub-Committee, be read for approbation<lb></lb>
at the next Meeting of the General Committee, be read for approbation<lb></lb>
Minutes of all such Committees be read (if called for) at the<lb></lb>
next General Court of the Hospitalls for its approbation,<lb></lb>
and that, subject to the regulations of <rs type="placeName" id="BBBRMG20210_geo375">the Hospital</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_geo375" type="placeName" value="the Hospital"></interp>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_geo375" type="type" value="undefined"></interp>
, and<lb></lb>
to the orders of the General Committee the Sub Committees<lb></lb>
have a discretion as to the Matters committed to them<lb></lb>
in every Measurer, which with the reasons, shall have<lb></lb>
been so entered on their Minutes.</p>
<p n="3391"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Case of "Uneducated<lb></lb>
"Youth advancing to<lb></lb>
"maturity without the<lb></lb>
"means of livelihood"</note>
<p n="3392"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Boys</note>
That, with regard to the occupation & improvement<lb></lb>
of one of the original Objects of Bridewell "uneducated<lb></lb>
"Youth advancing to Maturity without the means of<lb></lb>
"livelihood"; it appears to your Committee, that as to Boys<lb></lb>
more benefit may be obtained. by preparing Clothing and<lb></lb>
fitting them out for the Navy, or for Service, so for Manufactures,<lb></lb>

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