<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100322"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100322"></xptr>
<p n="3340">Continued, Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date266">31st. Janry. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date266" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3341"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report.<lb></lb>
that Committee</note>
and attention, the affection the confidence, and the implict<lb></lb>
reliance of the Poor may be obtained.</p>
<p n="3342"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">a separation to<lb></lb>
late place be to<lb></lb>
clape sexes<lb></lb>
2 Establishment fee<lb></lb>
employing a going of<lb></lb>
each sex<lb></lb>
do. as to Convales<lb></lb>
ets to. fm. Hospl.<lb></lb>
do as to those<lb></lb>
discharged fm.<lb></lb>
committed to<lb></lb>
hand labour<lb></lb>
& these whance<lb></lb>
a purportion of<lb></lb>
their profits.</note>
<p n="3343">That in carrying into execution the intentions of the<lb></lb>
Founders of Bridewell, it will be necessary that a complete<lb></lb>
separation should take place between the different Classes<lb></lb>
and Sexes of Persons that have been enumerated, And, first<lb></lb>
That two separate establishments be recommended to be made<lb></lb>
for the employment of the Young Persons of each Sex, dividing them<lb></lb>
again according to their behaviour and improvement Secondly,<lb></lb>
that, as to Convalescents from Hospitals, distinct, Apartments be<lb></lb>
provided for each Sex, and employment given to them. And<lb></lb>
thirdly that separate places be prepared for Persons of each<lb></lb>
Sex discharged from Prisons or committed to hard labour; and<lb></lb>
that those Persons respectively have a reasonable and liberal<lb></lb>
proportion of the profits of their labour reserved for them on their<lb></lb>
good behaviour and paid them on their being discharged, in order<lb></lb>
to enable them to set off in a course of honest and useful<lb></lb>
employment; subject only to a small deduction or deductions,<lb></lb>
if thought, proper on account of their diet and clothings.</p>
<p n="3344"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">All there to be<lb></lb>
helped to situations<lb></lb>
of a live be livelihood as<lb></lb>
they merit it<lb></lb>
wch. will relieve<lb></lb>
<p n="3345">That, the execution of this plan would be very much assisted<lb></lb>
and the means extended by a system of recommending, and<lb></lb>
helping such Persons as fast as they merit it, to situations<lb></lb>
in which they may find employment and a livelihood, as<lb></lb>
thereby the Apartments and the Funds would be sooner ready<lb></lb>
for new objects; at the same that by a wise and liberal<lb></lb>
encouragement to labour, and good conduct, and by an<lb></lb>
economical system of diet, many of the Persons would nearly<lb></lb>
maintain themselves, and all would be earning something and<lb></lb>
be supported in the House, at much less expence than they<lb></lb>
now are.</p>
<p n="3346">That it is the sacred and inviolable Duty of the acting<lb></lb>
Governors to apply the Funds, and Buildings of Bridewell<lb></lb>

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