<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100320"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100320"></xptr>
<p n="3332">Continued Thursday, <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20210_date264">31st. Jany. 1799</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20210_date264" type="date" value="17990131"></interp>
<p n="3333"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Report<lb></lb>
Select Committee</note>
"protected and employed until their intire recovery, and not<lb></lb>
"be suffered to wander, as Vagabonds in the Commonwealth as<lb></lb>
"they had been accustomed, and thirdly, where shall be<lb></lb>
"brought the Sturdy and the idle, and likewise such<lb></lb>
"Prisoners as are quit at the Sessions, that there they may be<lb></lb>
"set to Labour"</p>
<p n="3334"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Prostitutes not<lb></lb>
specifically noticed<lb></lb>
except as re-undered;<lb></lb>
That in the above mentioned Declaration, It is<lb></lb>
expressed, that the ordinary Officers in this House, shall be<lb></lb>
"certain Persons, to whom a convenient Sipend shall be given<lb></lb>
"who shall be called Task Masters, and Task, Mistress, these<lb></lb>
"shall be such honest Persons, as are expert in such Sciences<lb></lb>
"and Occupations, as shall be exercised; and they shall<lb></lb>
"take the Charge of every Man's Task, and proportion of<lb></lb>
"Work that shall be daily limited and appointed for them to<lb></lb>
"do; and these shall have power to correct and punish such<lb></lb>
"as are under their Task if they coiler and be found negligent<lb></lb>
"There shall also be Persons elected (one of the number of Poor<lb></lb>
"Artificers such as have led an honest life and of upright<lb></lb>
"dealing) who shall put in Surety to the Treasurer for such<lb></lb>
"Stock of Wares and Stuff, as shall be delivered unto them to be<lb></lb>
"made and wrought. There shall also be other ordinary<lb></lb>
"Officers as Porters, Cooks, Stewards Etc to whom likewise shall be<lb></lb>
"given convenient Stepends."</p>
<p n="3335">That you Committee is of Opinion, that a judicious,<lb></lb>
and economical use of Bridewell Hospital, and its Estates<lb></lb>
according to the intentions of the Royal Founder as expressed<lb></lb>
in the said Charter and the other Instruments above referred<lb></lb>
to (with exception only of such Legacies and Benefactions as<lb></lb>
have a peculiar and appropriate application) would have a<lb></lb>
very great effect in the diminution of Vice and Misery, and<lb></lb>
in the increase of industry and good habits of life within the<lb></lb>
Metropolis: And that the Persons particularly & specifically<lb></lb>
marked out, as the objects of the Trusts created by the Founder<lb></lb>

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