<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20210MG202100153"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202100153"></xptr>
<p n="1479">Continued Thursday 29th. Janry 1795.</p>
<p n="1480">That the Surveyor had laid before the Committee plans for<lb></lb>
converting the Building on the South West side of the womens<lb></lb>
Prison into a Prison for the men with separation for the<lb></lb>
Apprentices which the Committee had approved And had ordered<lb></lb>
the Surveyor to prepare a description and particular for doing the<lb></lb>
same and an Estimate of the whole expence.</p>
<p n="1481">And had Resolved that the Steward should provide cloathing for<lb></lb>
24 Female Prisoners agreeably to the particulars produced to the<lb></lb>
<p n="1482">That it appearing to the Committee that great numbers of Sick<lb></lb>
persons and Infants utterly incapable of laber are sent to this<lb></lb>
Prison by the Magistrate with an order that they remain here<lb></lb>
until there be room for them at the Hospital of St. Bartholomew<lb></lb>
or Saint Thomas And that some of these unhappy wretches have<lb></lb>
lately died for want of proper convenience and Assistance which<lb></lb>
this House does not afford</p>
<p n="1483">And it appearing further to the Committee that such commitment<lb></lb>
were not only contrary to the intent and Spirit of the Charter<lb></lb>
but were also incompatible with the other objects of the institution<lb></lb>
which most particularly requires that all Persons committed to<lb></lb>
this House of correction be capable of and be employed in hard<lb></lb>
<p n="1484">Had Resolved that it be earnestly recommended to the Court that<lb></lb>
the foregoing circumstances be properly represented to the Ld.<lb></lb>
Mayor and Court of Aldn. and that they shd. be requested to<lb></lb>
confer with the Governors of the two Hospitals as to the necessity<lb></lb>
of adopting same measures for receiving immediately all such<lb></lb>
Patients as the Magistrates may think proper to send.</p>
<p n="1485">At this Court the minutes of the Prison Committee were Confirmed</p>
<p n="1486">Resolved</p>
<p n="1487"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Presidt. & Treasr. to<lb></lb>
lay Mins. of Prison<lb></lb>
Com: before Cot. of Aldn.</note>
That the President and Treasurer be furnished with Copies of<lb></lb>
the minute of the Prison Committee of the 14th: Inst. and that they<lb></lb>
be requested to lay the same before the next Court of Aldermen.</p>
<p n="1488">The minutes of the Bethlem Committee of the 28th. Janry last were<lb></lb>
read and Confirmed whereby it appeared</p>

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