<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20208MG202080737"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202080737"></xptr>
<p n="5859">Continued Thursday 25th. Novr. 1779.</p>
<p n="5860">every Court of Aldermen to Approve or Seal such Leases or other<lb></lb>
Agreements to which the said Seal had been thentofore usually<lb></lb>
Affixed and that the said Committee or any one of the said Commoners<lb></lb>
so Attending should be Considered as the Legal Representative of<lb></lb>
the Court of Common Council as governors of the aforesaid Royal<lb></lb>
Hospitals To the end that their Act and Deed in the said Sealing<lb></lb>
and approving such Leases and Agreements as aforesaid should be<lb></lb>
to all Intents and purposes as binding as though it was done by and<lb></lb>
in the Presence of the Court of Common Council and that the said<lb></lb>
Seal should be never used or Affixed to any Instrument whatsoever<lb></lb>
but in the Presence and with the Approbation of the said<lb></lb>
Committee or some one Member thereof being a Commoner That<lb></lb>
at a Court of Lord Mayor and Aldermen holden upon the 7th.<lb></lb>
day of March aforesaid It was Resolved that in future all<lb></lb>
Business Appertaining to the City and Hospital Seals should be<lb></lb>
Transacted in the Court of Lord Mayor Aldermen and Commons<lb></lb>
in Common Council Assembled.</p>
<p n="5861">That several Leases Pursuant to Contracts previously ent<obscured></obscured>
into by the treasurers and Committees of the respective Hospitals<lb></lb>
having been approved and Examined and afterwards subscribed<lb></lb>
by the President or treasurers and some of the governors of such<lb></lb>
several Hospitals respectively according to the modes of Proceeding<lb></lb>
in such Cases which has prevailed for very many Years one of<lb></lb>
such Leases from each Hospital was deposited in the Chamberlain's<lb></lb>
Office for the said City with a Dockett for each Lease in the usual from<lb></lb>
to procure the Seal of the said Hospitals to be put thereto and on<lb></lb>
7th. of April 1778 The Clerks of the said Hospitals severally Attended<lb></lb>
a Court of Aldermen then held for the said City and such Leases<lb></lb>
from the respective Hospitals being brought into that Court and<lb></lb>
they being called into the same Court severally requested That such<lb></lb>
Seal should be affixed to those Leases as usual after which they<lb></lb>
withdrew and being called in again they were informed by the<lb></lb>
Town Clerk That he had the Order of that Court to deliver them<lb></lb>
Copys of the said Resolutions or Orders of the Court of Common Council</p>

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