<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20205MG202050081"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202050081"></xptr>
<p n="821"> <rs type="date" id="BBBRMG20205_date54">19th: Febry. 1724/5</rs>
<interp inst="BBBRMG20205_date54" type="date" value="17250219"></interp>
<p n="822">That the Court wou'd be pleased to take his Case into Consideration & to Grant<lb></lb>
him such Additional Term to his said 24 Years already Granted as may be some<lb></lb>
Compensation as well for the Increased Rent as for the Extraordinary Expence he<lb></lb>
has been at in the said Building As to the Court shou'd seem reasonable and Just<lb></lb>
And the said Mr Armit being asked whether he had any Time from the<lb></lb>
New River Company Letting the Yard to them He Answer'd That he had<lb></lb>
£100 Fine. but that he laid it out in repairing the Wharf to make if fit for<lb></lb>
the Company use And it appear's to this Comittee by Vouchers produced by the<lb></lb>
said Mr. Armit that he laid out the Sume of £1800 in the Building in his<lb></lb>
said Petition mentionedAnd the rest of the Allegations in the said Petition<lb></lb>
were made out to the Unanimous Satisfaction of the ComitteeWhereupon<lb></lb>
this Comittee are of Opinion That the said Mr. Armit should have a Term of<lb></lb>
30 Years Added to the Term of his present Lease which will make up the white<lb></lb>
Term from the time of the fire (which was in the year 1720) 61 years & with<lb></lb>
Expire in the year 1781. All which is never the less Submitted to the<lb></lb>
Judgment of the CourtThis Court Doth Confirm the said<lb></lb>
Report And doth Order That the said Mr. Armit have a Term of<lb></lb>
30 Years Added to the Term of his present Lease which will make up the<lb></lb>
whole Term from the time of the Fire (which was in the year 1720) Sixty<lb></lb>
one Years and will Expire in the Year 1781.</p>
<p n="823"> <note type="authorial" place="margin">Ec & Kal<lb></lb>
H: T.</note>

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