<div1 type="BR_MGpage" id="BBBRMG20203MG202030025"> <xptr type="pageFacsimile" doc="BBBRMG202030025"></xptr>
<p n="370">Peacock Tho: £10 Locks guift 4<lb></lb>
Prestwood Robt apprent18:<lb></lb>
Perry Richd made Free21:<lb></lb>
Ditto to be viewd24:</p>
<p n="371">altering the pews in the Chappell<lb></lb>
refernce to Comtee}<lb></lb>
<p n="372">Powter & Beadles to look after<lb></lb>
Crown alley and Salisbury Court}<lb></lb>
<p n="373">Perry Richd Locks guift39:<lb></lb>
Southy Mexr: Locks guift39:</p>
<p n="374">Page Gregory his proposalls for a<lb></lb>
new Lease referred to a Comtee}<lb></lb>
<p n="375">Pindar Tho: noiated Govr56:<lb></lb>
Phillpot Samll to be made free 63:<lb></lb>
Pindar Tho: admitted a Govr66:<lb></lb>
Publick and it76:<lb></lb>
Pricenoiated Govr76:<lb></lb>
Page Gregory new Lease78:<lb></lb>
Phillpott Samll to be viewed80:<lb></lb>
Price admitted Govr84:<lb></lb>
Page a Men Admitted Artsmar90</p>
<p n="376">Pryon Jane Order of Sessions<lb></lb>
relateing to ye Settlemt. of her to be<lb></lb>
<p n="377">Peirce Hempman suspended101</p>
<p n="378">Palmer Mradmitted Govr: 106</p>
<p n="379">Paratt Wm noiated Govr106<lb></lb>
Peirce Restored to his employmt.108<lb></lb>
Polliter Joseph made Free114<lb></lb>
Paratt Wm admitted Govr116<lb></lb>
Pasmore Thos. noiated a Govr126<lb></lb>
Purnell Mary 2s:6d P week139<lb></lb>
Phillpott Samll peticond suspended 143<lb></lb>
Peirson Francis to be made Free 144:<lb></lb>
Page Gregory a Lease154:<lb></lb>
Peers Richd a Lease157<lb></lb>
Page Gregory admitted a Govr164<lb></lb>
Phillpott Samll Locks guift167<lb></lb>
Peirson Francis to be viewdib<lb></lb>
Paratt Abraham noiated a Govrib<lb></lb>
Pistor Tho: noiated a Govr171<lb></lb>
Pagett Robt Apprent171<lb></lb>
Pupplett Jeffery to be made free 174:<lb></lb>
Peirson Fra: £10 Locks guift180<lb></lb>
Pistor Mr admitted a Govr 181<lb></lb>
Puplett Geffery to be viewd183<lb></lb>
ditto £10187</p>
<p n="380">Poole Benja his Peticonr for a new Lease<lb></lb>
Comittee to view}<lb></lb>
<p n="381">Paratt Mr Abra: admitted a Govr193<lb></lb>
Pasmore Mr Justice<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
admitted Govr 196<lb></lb>
Peircy Tho: apprent198<lb></lb>
Poole Xopher to be made Free201<lb></lb>
Peers Capt noiated a Govr207<lb></lb>
Pocock Mr Depty Rogr noiated a Govr 211:</p>
<p n="382">Phillips Martha Order for a Comtee to<lb></lb>
view her houses in Order for a new lease}<lb></lb>
<p n="383">Porter restored to this place220<lb></lb>
Peers<gap reason="illegible"></gap>
admitted Governor 225<lb></lb>
Persons Joseph Nominated a Governor 227<lb></lb>
Poole Xyofer to bee viewed230<lb></lb>
Poole Xpofer £10235<lb></lb>
Parsons Joseph Governor248<lb></lb>
Parrott Mr Depty Wm Nominated a Govr258<lb></lb>
Presid: to bee elected268<lb></lb>
Phillipps Marth rep: confirmed 279<lb></lb>
Parsons Jno: Will to bee & vid285<lb></lb>
Porter Francis noiated Governor291<lb></lb>
Pettifer William elected Plaisterer295<lb></lb>
Porter Francis admitted a Governor 296<lb></lb>
Pettitt Silvester admitted a GovrDo 306<lb></lb>
Prestley Jno nominated a Governor 306<lb></lb>
Frans Appr314<lb></lb>
noiated a Governor318<lb></lb>
Doadmitted Govenor321<lb></lb>
Polehampton Edwd Nominated a Governor 326<lb></lb>
Prisoners not to Smoath Tobacco328<lb></lb>
Polehampton Edwd: Appr Govr330<lb></lb>
Pooles proposeal abt. Hosbourne houses Rejected 332<lb></lb>
Purchase to be made for Bethlem Hospital342<lb></lb>
Polehampton Capn. Reced his Charge as Govr343<lb></lb>
Peers CharlesReced his Charge as Govr348<lb></lb>
Presidts Clerke to have Sr. on Entry of a Patient to Bethlam 349<lb></lb>
Potter Mr Wm Nomd Govr357<lb></lb>
Porter to give Accol. to by ye Court of all Prisoners Etc 367<lb></lb>
Potter Mr. William Admitted Govr376<lb></lb>
Price Tho: To be Appr383<lb></lb>
Pratt Richard To be apprentice387<lb></lb>
Potter Mr Wm Reced Charge as Govr403<lb></lb>
Peters MrNomd. Govr408<lb></lb>
Pearson Jno. To be Apprentice415<lb></lb>
Pyrton Richd To be Appr419<lb></lb>
Prestwood John To be Free424<lb></lb>
Physityan Dr. Hoile Elected439</p>
<p n="384">Porter-Empson Petn. for a Considn for 4 Bedds<lb></lb>
for use of Convicts}<lb></lb>

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