St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

13th July 1787 - 6th August 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362050268

Image 268 of 3561st August 1793

St Clement Danes Augst 1st

Vestry met this day at 4 o'clock in the afternoon
pursuant to Notice given in the Church on Sunday last


Mr. Joseph Sumner< no role > Churchwn.. in the Chair

Mr. Burnthwaite
Mr. Pennington
Mr. Wm Robinson< no role > }

{Mr Johnston
Mr Richardson
Mr. Marchant

Mr Jno George< no role > -Treasr. of the Watch

Audit of
Watch Acct.

Read & Audited the Watch Account for
the last year when the Treasurer appeared to be
£315:9:6 in advance

Watch Rate
at 5d/

Ordered that the Watch Rate be at 5d/ [..]
in the pound Rents for the year ensuing

And that the Vestry Clerk Rate [..]
the Book accordingly

Josh: Sumner< no role > }Churchwarden

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