City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1799 - 28th December 1799

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652390492

Image 492 of 85715th August 1799

Mrs. Partin who lodger in the Room
under ninth the Room where the deseard
lodged come to me and said I am afraid
something in the matter with Mrs.
Comerford as I have not seen her to
day and I have been up Stairs to her
Room Door and see that there in no
Dadlock upon the Door upon which
I went up Stairs with Mrs. Partin
and finding the Door fastned with inside
I look thro' a Crevia of the Door &
observed the deceased lying on the Bed
in the same Position she now is and
I toll Mrs. Partin I thought she was
quite dead and Immediately went
and brought Mr. Downes a Constable
who came with me and he forced the
Door open when we found that she
was quite Stiff and cold but how
long she had been dead we could
not tell. and their were no marks of

of Violence on her Body and I am
inclined to believe that she died a
natural Death to wit of a Fit.

The Verdict
Natural Death to Wit of a Fit
Philip Murrey< no role > Fore Man

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