City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

11th January 1776 - 30th December 1776

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652160387

Image 387 of 55816th September 1776

which Depot. took into Deced's Room, where she
perceived a very strong small of Gunpowder
and the room in a smother, Says that she said
the Deced lying on his Back in the Bed
within his Forehead very black and his Brains
upon his Forehead, Says that she spoke to
Deced on her coming into the Room saying that
she had a Note for him, but perceiving that
he was dead, Dept. was quite frightened and
ran down Stairs, & alarmed the Family
and immediately went into a Fit in which
she continued some hours, Says that she
was not out of the House from the time that she
carried to Deced the last Cherry Brandy to the
time that she found him dead, and that she
heard no Noise or disturbance above Stairs
and believes that the Deced Killed himself
Says that she frequently saw the Deced in
her Masters House, that his looks were very
will yesterday in Bed, and especially when
she left the last Glass of Cherry Brandy for from
and that they were different from what they
used to be

Pendure [mark] Hardwick< no role >
her Mark

Ann Smith< no role > of Tottlenham Court Road Single
woman on her Oath saith, That on Saturday
Night last about Twelve o' Clock Dept. by Appointed
with the Deced, Came to Mr. Nelson's in [..]
Lane, and was shown unto a Bed chamber above
Stairs and slept there with the Deced, Says
that they Breakfasted together in Bed, and
Dept. says that the Deced at different times
drank several Glasses of Cherry Brandy, Says
that about two'o Clock in the Afternoon Dept. went
away leaving the Deced in Bed, Says that the
Deced had engaged this Dept. to go with him to

to Richmond that Afternoon, and when Dept.
was ready, the sent A Note to Deced to acquaint
him therewith, Says that the Boy returned and
said that the Gentleman was Shot, upon which
she took a Hackney Coach, and went to Mr
Nelson's where she was informed that the Deced
was dead but did not see him. Says that the
Deced asked Dept. when she was going away
if she had ever been light headed, and on her
Answering N, Deced said I am, and have ten
thousand Millions of Fires kindling in his Head
and looked very wild, and appeared to Dept.
to be disordered in his Mind.

Ann Smith< no role >
her Mark

Mordant Atkinson< no role > a Lodger at Mr. Davenford
in Holborn , on his Oath saith, That yesterday
about four o' Clock in the Afternoon (Sept. 15th.) Dept.
was in Mr. Nelson's House in the Parlour, when
his Maid Servant came downStairs appearing to
be frightened, saying that Mr. Pritchard was very
ill or dead, upon which Mrs. Nelson desired Dept.
to go up to see what was the matter, and on his
going into the Deced's Room which smelt of
Gunpowder, and on his drawing the Bed Curtains
he saw the Deced lying in the Bed, with his
skull open, and Blood in the Bed Cloaths, Says
that the Deced was dead but did not then touch
That he went up again in about half an hour
and drew up the Window Curtains, when he
saw a Pistol in his Right Hand Oath the Cook
down, but Dept. did not Examine it. That he saw
another Pistol on the Bed on the Deced's left side
which was charged. And Dept. believes that the
Deced shot himself.

Mordaunt Atkinson< no role >

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