City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

11th January 1776 - 30th December 1776

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652160377

Image 377 of 55813th September 1776

Hanged himself, Says that the Deced was
very often in Liquor, That the Deced Frequency
threatened the Deced's Life, and Dept, was afraid
of being Murdered, That the Deced's looks were
very wild & Confused, and Dept, Believes but
he was at times Disordered in his Senses

Sarah [mark] Smith< no role >
Her Mark

Timothy Vaughan< no role > of Oxford Street in the Parish
of St. Ann Chandler on his oath Saith, That the
Deced has Lodged in Depts, Cellar about three
Years, and Sold Milk, Says that between
Eight and nine o'Clock this Morning the Deced
came into the Passage and took his Milk,
(which was sent her) down Stairs, Says that
about nine o'Clock Mr. Vaughan (Dept. Wife
went down Stairs in order to Turn the Water
on in thje Back Kitchin, and returned imediately
saying that Mr. Smith had Hanged himself, upon
which Dept. called Mr. Fry a Neighbour, who
went with Dept. into Deced's Cellar where he
Saw th Deced Hanging by a Linon Hand Kerchief
tied about the Deced Neck, and to an iron [..]
fastened into the Frame of the Door, Says that
he cut the Hand [..] with a Knife and [..]
was laid down upon the Ground, Says that [..]
felt the Deced & Hand that he [..]
Dept receives no [..]
fetched, who attempted to bleas the Deced as
Dept,. was informed. Says that he believes the
Deced Hanged himself, Says that the Deced
was frequently in Liquor, and lived unhappy
with his Wife, and appeared to be much
disturbed in his Mind.
Timothy Vaughan< no role >

Severally Sworn the Day Year & Place
abovementioned before me
Tho Prickard< no role > Coroner }

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