City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1765 - 24th December 1765

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652050565

Image 565 of 62915th November 1765

City & Liberty of Westmr .
in the County of Middlesex }

Informations taken this Fifteenth day
of November 1765 at the Parish of St. James
within the Liberty of Westmr. in the County of Middx
on an Inquisition taken on View of the Body
of Alexander Robb lying Dead in the said Parish
Liberty and County

James Lamb< no role > of the Hay Market in the Parish of St. James
Chessemonger on his Oath saith, that the Deced has lodged
in his House about twelve Years Says that Mr. Justices Perry's
Servant came Yesterday Morning about Nine o'Clock with his Masters Wig in order to be Dressed
by Deced, who was a Periwig Maker, Says that he went to
Deced's Room Door and came down immediately, saying that
the Room was locked, Says that in about a Quarter of an
hour after Sarah Wood< no role > Dept. Servant went up to Deced
Room and called and knocked several times, but had
no Answer, upon which she returned town Stairs and
informed Dept, that she had looked through the Key hob into
Deced Room and that she had [..] seen his Hand, Dept.
says that he likewise looked this the Hay hole and saw the
Deced's hand upon the [..] Bed, which made Dept. suspect his
being Dead, whereupon he went to acquaint Mr. Alexander Robb< no role >
a Relation of the Deced who came with Deponent and they
both went to Deced's Room Door and found it locked upon
which a Smith was fetched who with Dept. forced open the Door
and Depont. and Mr. Robb. went in and found the Deced
lying upon his Bed with his face downwards such into the
Bed cloaths with his Right Arm under him and his Leg [..] ging
over the Bed upon the Floor, Says that he took hold of Deced
and found him Dead and quite Cold, but observed no Marks
of Violence upon the Deced, Says that the found the Key of
Deced's Room upon a Chair in Deced's Room, hisCloathsCoot
& Wastcoat upon another Chair and his Hat and wig upon
a Wig box in the same Room the Deced having only his
Shirt Stock (which was very tight) [..] Breeches and Stockings on Dept. says that
he heard no Disturbance in Deced's Room, and believes that
the Deced was strangled & Suffocated [..] from the Position [..]
was found in.

James Lamb< no role >

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