Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

19th May 1743 - 22nd February 1753

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556020132

Image 132 of 55930th May 1745

work done to the Said Bridge in the Year 1740, which Account
was Signed by Mr. Hinde of the Truth of the Premisses, and
which the Committee recommend to this Court to Order the
payment of the Same, and which Bill is annexed to the Said
Report, And that the Said Committee received from Mr.
Bond the Surveyor the total Expence of the Said Bridge,
which amounts unto One thousand One hundred and fifty
eight Pounds thirteen Shillings and nine pence excluding
Mr. Marquand's demand for pulling down the old Bridge,
and thirty Pounds allowed to Mr. Bond for Horse hire Expences
and trouble in buying and Measuring the Timber for the Said
Bridge , Of which Said Sum of thirty Pounds there has been
paid in part twenty Pounds, So that there only remains due to
Mr. Bond ten Pounds besides what Shall be thought proper
to be given by this Court to the Said Mr. Bond for his trouble
in Surveying the Said Bridge, which the Committee leaves to
this Court to act therein as Shall be thought proper, This
Court upon reading the Said Report doth agree thereunto,
And as to the payment of the respective Sums of Money
above mentioned to be paid by the Treasurer by Order of the
Said Committee to the respective persons above named
This Court doth allow of the Same, And as to the Said
Sum of ten Pounds remaining due to the Said Mr. Bond,
and the Said Sum of five Pounds and five Shillings recommended
by the Said Committee to be paid to the Said Mr. Wilkinson
for his Services, and the Said Sum of four Pounds and three four
Shillings due to the Said John Brown< no role > for work done to the
Said Bridge in the Year 1740 and recommended by the
Committee to be paid, This Court doth Order the Said
respective Sums to be paid to them respectively by the
Treasurer and to be allowed to him upon his Account.
And as to what recompence may be proper to be made or
given to the Said Mr. Bond for his trouble and pains in

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