City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

17th July 1749 - 10th December 1750

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150610030

Image 30 of 1012nd April 1750


The Information of Sarah Overing< no role >
the wife of Thomas Overing< no role > of Knight
Riders Street in the Parish of
Mary Magdalen London Cabinet

This Informt: Maketh Oath that she
has a strong suspicion that one Ann
< no role > did on the 16th day of March
last past feloniously steal & take
in her house a hight coloured cloath
cloak & a hut of he value of fourteen
shillings the property of her husband
Thomas Overing< no role > because the said
Ann Man being this Informants.
servant absconded her service on
the aforesaid 26th day of March
early in the morning & that no
other person could steal the aforesaid

Signed in the presence
of Thos. Rutherford< no role >

Sworn before me
the 2d day of April
1750 Jas: Fraser< no role >

Sarah Overing< no role >

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