Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

22nd May 1776

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: s17760522-1

The Sessions being ended, the Court proceeded to give Judgment as follows:

Received Sentence of Death fifteen.

George Rowney < no role > , Thomas Rowney < no role > , John Mayo < no role > , John Standish < no role > This name instance is in a workspace. , James Humphries < no role > , Henry Jordan < no role > , Benjamin Bates < no role > , John Green, William Davis < no role > , Thomas Kinman < no role > , William Blackett < no role > , James Lecores < no role > , and William Godfrey < no role > .

Thomas Askew < no role > and Joseph Bissell < no role > received sentence to be drawn upon a hurdle to the place of execution.

Archibald Girdwood proceedingsdefend and Thomas Jones , otherwise Evans proceedingsdefend , formerly capitally convicted, but upon whom judgment had been respited till the opinions of the Judges could be taken upon a point of law arising in their respective cases, were set to the bar, when Mr. Justice ASTON informed them, that the Judges were unanimously of opinion that their conviction was strictly legal, and they accordingly received sentence of death.

Whipped five.

Jacob Jonas < no role > , Mary Smith < no role > , James Price < no role > , Edward Fawcett < no role > , and Elizabeth Jones < no role > .

Branded and imprisoned four.

John Blackwell < no role > , Susannah Smith < no role > , John Brown, and Francis Benson < no role > .

The following prisoners, who were convicted of grand larceny in April Sessions, received sentence to be branded in the hand, and imprisoned for fourteen days.

Thomas Proctor proceedingsdefend , John Ford proceedingsdefend , William Smith , alias Archer proceedingsdefend , William Barton proceedingsdefend , John Murphy proceedingsdefend , Frances Nash proceedingsdefend , Robert Smith proceedingsdefend , James Paris proceedingsdefend , John Aldersey proceedingsdefend , Timothy Marshall proceedingsdefend , John White proceedingsdefend , Patrick Knowland proceedingsdefend , Sarah Armstrong proceedingsdefend , John Lloyd proceedingsdefend , Joseph Penticross proceedingsdefend , Valentine Fuller proceedingsdefend , Moses Emanuel proceedingsdefend , Henry Hart proceedingsdefend , and Benjamin Harvey proceedingsdefend .

Imprisoned for one month.

Christopher Wilkinson < no role > , Susannah Newman < no role > , John Beard < no role > , and Sarah Small < no role > .


Elizabeth Harris < no role > , John Morgan < no role > , William Kitchenman < no role > , John Jenkins < no role > , Francis Bartlow < no role > , Elizabeth Bates < no role > , Elizabeth Williams < no role > , Henry Hammon < no role > , and Elizabeth Kelly < no role > .

Prisoners convicted of grand larceny in April Sessions, branded.

Isaac Hutchinson proceedingsdefend , John Furze proceedingsdefend , Charles Drake proceedingsdefend , and Thomas Farmer proceedingsdefend .

Stephen Self proceedingsdefend branded and imprisoned nine months .

Thomas Copperthwaite < no role > to be imprisoned three months in Newgate, and to stand in the pillory at the Royal Exchange.

Isaac Stone < no role > to be imprisoned three months, and then to find sureties for his good behaviour for one year.

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