St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

5th June 1749 - 11th October 1754

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362090047

Image 47 of 3672nd February 1750

St. Clemt. Danes Febry 2d. 1749

Committee for Settling the Plan of an Act of
Parliament for the better Cleansing & Enlightening
the Streets &c in this Parish met Pursuant to their


Mr Symon Pyke< no role >
Mr Fox Kerry< no role >
Mr Philip Poole< no role >
Mr Jas. Lambourn< no role >
Thomas Day< no role >

There not being a board. Adjourned
to Thursday 15th. at 5 in the Eveng.

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