St Clement Danes Parish:
Minutes of Parish Vestries

23rd December 1760 - 14th September 1767

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMV362020274

Image 274 of 3973rd October 1765

St. Clement Danes October 3d. 1765 .

Vestry met pursuant to Notice given in the Church on
Sunday last to make a further Rate for the Poor and to
take into consideration the paying part of the Monies
Borrowed to obtain an Act of Parliament for regulating
the Watch and Maintaining the poor,

Mr. Wm. Wilmot< no role >
Mr. Heny. Wallis< no role >

Mr. Wm. Kitchiner< no role >
Mr. Thos. Beaty< no role >
Mr. Chas. Marr< no role > }Overseers
of the poor

Mr. Edwd. Edwards< no role > Trear

Mr. Drake Pollord< no role >
Mr. Geo. Westron< no role >
Mr. Wm. Taylor< no role >
Mr. John Ponten< no role >
Mr. Thos. Oliver< no role >

Read and Auditted the Churchwardens Accot.
of Burials for the Month of Septr. last amountg to}£2.16s.7d

At the same time Read and Auditted the Overseers
of the poors Account for the same Month amountg. to}£265.10s [..]

Resolved and Agreed that the Third Rate for the Relief
of the poor be at 4d, in the Pound Rents

Ordered that the Vestry Clerk Rate
the Book accordingly,

Resolved and agreed that the Account of the Monies
borrowed and the whole Expences of passing the Bill Paid
by Mr. Prince Churchwarden 1763 for obtaining an Act
of Parliament for regulating the watch and Employing
the poor be laid before a Vestry on the 10th, of this Instant
October at Six o'Clock in the Afternoon

Ordd. that Mr. Churchwarden Wilmot cause
a Box to be made for the Use of the Clergyman who
shall bury the Dead in rainy or cold Weather

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