St Clement Danes Parish:
Minute Books of Parish Vestry Sub-Committees

4th December 1789 - 2nd February 1798

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Currently Held: Westminster Archives Centre

LL ref: WCCDMO361010259

Image 259 of 2873rd March 1797

Saint Clement

At a Meeting of the Committee Elected and
appointed pursuant to the Act of Parliament
for better Paving Cleansing and Lighting
this Parish Etc held in the Vestry Room the
3d day of March 1797


Mr Burnthwaitein the Chair
Mr. WingroveMr Nurse
Mr. JoyceMr Burton

The Minutes of the last meeting Read and confirmed

Ordered that there be affixed up in the Vestry Room
and upon the Church Door for Publick Inspection An
Account of every Penalty imposed upon any Contractor
by the Act of Parliament and also of all Penalties contained
in every Contract for nonperformance there of and the made
prescribed for Recovery or Levying there of and also the
times when the respective Streets Lanes and other
passages and places are to cleansed and the Lamps
Lighted and Cleaned also an Account of the Penalties
contained in the Act of Parliament heretofore
Published by the Committee

Ordered that the Clerk Advertize for Proposals
in order to Contract for the Scavengers Work within
this Committees Jurisdiction for One two or three Years
at the Option of this Committee from Michaelmas
next the proposals to be delivered in on Thursday the
13th-day of April next at Six o Clock in the afternoon

Read the Returns of the Inspector of Lamps

Jos Burnthwaite< no role >

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