City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1795 - 28th December 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652350389

Image 389 of 637

Yard, up intothe [..] a work shop and when he got
[..] to the [..] the Ladder to her she was quite Speech left
and motion lefts and he had observed that in her
falling from the Staircase Window she pitched
towith her head upon the Side of the Step
Ladder and Fractured Skull [..] that he believes she was endeavouring
to take in some Linnen which had been hung
out at the said Staircase window and acci-
dentally fell out of the said window in
attempting to take in the said Linnen as the
Pole on which the said Linnen had been hung
broke which occasioned her falling and
fracturing her Skull she was immediately taken into the said House
No. 11 when she lodged and Medical Persons
were sent for who tried the necessary means
for her recovery but without Effect as she
expired on Friday last the 31st. [..] of July about
two o'Clock in the Afternoon

John Carter< no role >

The Verdict

Accidentally killed by falling
out of a Staircase Window into the Yard
of the House where she lodged in No. [..] 11
George Street was Dacke Street [..]
Square on 29th. July 1795

The Pole which gave way and was moving
to her death [..] sd.

Francis Metcalf< no role >

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