City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

2nd January 1795 - 28th December 1795

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652350370

Image 370 of 637

till nine on the Wednesday Morning during most
of which time he continued running to & fro'
upon Deek saying his Wife was bringing a Letter to
him and other Inconsistencies, that soom after nine
theyall the Passengers went upon Deek & breath fasted
when he offerd money to the Captan saying he
could not side any further and appeard quite
delirious, he then sat down in the middle of the
Ship upon a Cable Rope by two Women and
appeared quite delirious when this Deponent
proposed to have him second with a Cord for fear
of some bed Consequence but it was objected to by
one of the Passengers and whilst this Deponent
went down Stairs to look for his Shoes which he
had left below Deek and he was scarcity got
down Stairs but he heard a confused nine
above and upon coming up he perceived he
was over board [..] in the Six in
the Yarmonth Roads whereupon they part out
a Boat immediately and in about 12 or 13
minutes they took him out of the Water and [..]
or band again and this Deponent tried every
means for his recovery but without

desired Effect as no Signs of Life appeared in
him. That this Deponent conveyed the deceased from Wapping
in a boat to the black Lion Stairs near Hungerford Stairs from when [..]
he was conveyed to his own House in [..] Suffolk Street

The Verdict
That John Persons< no role > was deranged in his
Mind and in a fit of Delirium fell or cert
himself into the Water in the Yarmouth Roads
and was drowned .

on wednesday 9th. July 1795

[..] Shaemettes Foreman

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