City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

9th January 1794 - 27th December 1794

About this document type

Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652340245

Image 245 of 78226th June 1794

deceased might get out, when [..] he found
him sitting on the Coach Seat with his hand
inclining downwards, and foamed a the
Mouth and upon further Examination
he found him to be speechless & Motion-
-less and happened to be quite dead
whereupon, by the admier of some Persons
who were there, he drove the Coach to Mr.
Crooks Hanks a Surgeon in Leicester Fields
and athensh Man came out of the haup
went into the Coach and took of his
Neck Cloath and unbuttoned then Shirt
Collar, and then he declared be was quite
dead, upon which this Deponent drove
his Coach to [..] St. Martins the Work house and delivered
him to one of the Clerks there.

Benj. Gale< no role >

The Verdict That Christopher Oliver Cook< no role >
died by the Visitation of God in a natural
Way of a Fit.

Geo. Willmer< no role >

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