City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

7th January 1773 - 28th December 1773

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652130378

Image 378 of 75021st July 1773

William Jackson< no role > Servant to the Deced on his Oath says he has been
Servant to the Deced almost Twelve Yeas, says he last saw the
Deced alive on Tuesday between 12 and o'Clock at Noon is his Dining
Room at Mr. Atwoods house says the deced answored different to
the Questions he asked him, says he left the Deced and went
up Stairs to Clean some Shoes, and inabot 5 to Minutes
he heard a Noise like the Clip of a Door, he came down
and foud the Dining Room Door shut and fastered, Deponent un
Down Stairs to Mrs. Atwood and told for he was afraid his Master
had made away with himself, say hecame up a join and
called and Knocked at the Dar but no Answer was made Says
he has observed for three or 4 days past his Master when in Bed
has talked and answered himself and that he the Deponent found
the Deced to he in a Distressed state of Mind, and has frequently
Stopped in the Dining Room when his Master was in Bed for
fear o some Accident happening, says his Master way Much
in Debt and that he was afraid of being Arrested which he
beleives to be the cause of his Master distraction of Mind.

Wm Jackson< no role >

Joseph Parsloe< no role > Servant ot Mr. Atwood on his Cath says, that
he was coming last Tuesday about One o'Clock in the Aternoon out
of the Kitchen and coming along the Liberty he sow Mrs. Atwood
crying and the St. Leighs Servant by her and saw several People un
up Stairs & he ran op likewise, and saw 2 or of his Fellowing
Servants at the Dining Room Door 2 Pair of Stairs Knocking to
make the Deced hear, and the Deponent himself knocked any land
he sent down to know what he must do and he was Ordered to
treat open the Door, which he accordingly did Barst open, and
went in and the Chandler door heing opentheyhe went in with
others there and found the Deced lying on the Floor with his
Head against the fet of the Bed with two Pistols lying on his
Right hand side on the Floor, says there was a quantity of
Blood about the Deceds lead and about the feet of the Bed, and
the Deced appared to he shot through the Had, and way Dead
Says he desired the Pistols and every thing Right Exmaine in
the Some Situation till the Jury set, and that they have some
Remained Says he has observed for In 4 days past the
Deceased seemed to be very unhappy, beleives the Deced must
certainly have shot himself, as he Persoon could be with his at
the time the Door of the Dining Room and he out Door of the
Red Chamber being fastened.

Joseph Parsloe< no role >

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