City of Westminster Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

14th January 1764 - 24th December 1764

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Currently Held: Westminster Abbey Muniment Room

LL ref: WACWIC652040026

Image 26 of 50523rd January 1764

City and Liberty of
Westmr. in the County
of Middlesex }

Informations taken this 23d. day of
January 1764 at the Parish of St. Margaret
within the City and Liberty of Westmr. in the
County of Middlesex , on an Inquisition taken
on View of the Body of a Woman Unknown
lying Dead in the said Parish City and Liberty

Sarah Ward< no role > Servant to Mr. Mary Porter< no role > at the Syn
of the Ship near Westmr. Hall on her Oath saith, That
on opening her Mistress's Door and Windows on Saturday
Morning last about Seven O'Clock, she saw the Deced
lye Dead in the Passage leading from Old Palace Yard
into Westminster Hall , says that no Marks of violence
appeared on the Body of the Deced, and Deponent verily
believes that the Deced died by the Inclemency of the
Weather and for want of proper Instenance. Says she
never saw the Deced alive to the Knowledge of Depont.

The Mark of
Sarah Ward< no role > .

Sarah Bishop< no role > Servant to Mrs. Porter on her Oath
saith that she saw Deced on friday Evening last about
nine O'Clock lying in the Passage leading from Old Palace Yard
to Westminster Hall , Deponent says that she asked Deced
whether she had any home, or knew any Body in
that Neighbourhood, to which she replied, No, but said
she thought that she (the Deced) was Struck with Death
says that she gave Deced a Dram of Geneva; and
afterwards went away leaving the Deced there, Says
that upon her coming down Stairs on Saturday Morning
she was informed by Sarah Ward< no role > her Fellow Servant
that a womanthe Decedlay Dead in the Passage , upon which Dept.
went to see her, and found she was she same Person of
whom Dept. has given the above Accot. Says she believes
Deced died for want and by the Inclemency of the weather

The Mark of
Sarah Bishop< no role >

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