Ordinary of Newgate Prison:
Ordinary's Accounts: Biographies of Executed Convicts

22nd June 1715

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LL ref: OA171506221506220003

19th June 1715

IV. How an old Habit of Sin, to which unthinking Carnal Men Insensibly arrive by degrees, is directly opposite to this New Birth, and consequently a perfect Hindrance to the Attainment both of the Kingdom of Grace here, and the Kingdom of Glory hereafter.

V. ult. What effectual Means Men may and ought to use for their being Renew'd and Born again, so as to be enabled to recover themselves out of those Sins into which they have unhappily fall'n, and by such a Recovery escape the dreadful Punishment they had deserv'd, and regain both the Favour of God they had forfeited, and his Kingdom of Grace and Glory, which they had lost.

And on the last Lord's Day, the 19th instant , I likewise preach'd to them gain on part of the Gospel appointed for that Day, viz. Luk 16. 23, 24. And in Hell he lift up his Eyes being in Torments, and sees Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his Bosom. And he cry'd and said, Father Abraham, have Mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that he may dip the tip of his Finger in Water, and cool my Tongue, for I am tormented in this Flame.

From which Words, first explain'd (with their Context) in general, I shew'd in particular,

I. That the Soul is capable of an Existence separate from the Body.

II. That when the Souls of good Men, and true Penitents, depart from their Bodies, they immediately pass into a State of Blessedness.

III. and lastly, That the Souls of wicked Men and impenitent Sinners, do at the Departure out of their Bodies, presently fall into a State of Misery.

On these Points I discours'd, and for a further Illustration of them, enlarg'd upon these Particulars.

1st, The dreadful Torments of the Damned in Hell, who (like the Rich-man in the Parable, of which the Text is a part) cannot obtain so much as a Drop of Water to ease and cool their burning Thirst.

2dly, The Happiness of the Blessed in Heaven, who (after the Miseries of this present Life are over) enjoy perpetual Rest and Felicity in the Bosom of God their Heavenly Father.

3dly, The Certainty and Eternity of both thse, viz. the Punishment of the Wicked, and the Reward of the Righteous, i. e. the true Penitents

Having enlarg'd upon these Heads and Particulars, I concluded at this, as at other times before, with such pathetick and pressing Exhortations to the Condemn'd Persons as I thought most proper and conducive to the begetting in them a true Sense and sincere Repentance of their Sins, together with a Spirit of Love both to GOD and their Neighbour, and a due Concern for their own Souls. And here, that I might (if possible) be the happy Instrument of rescuing them out of their Spiritual Slavery, even from under the Dominion of Sin and Satan, I shew'd them the necessity of using their utmost Endeavours to redeem the Time they had mispent, to grieve for their Sins, to humble themselves before God, to cry unto Him for Pardon, and to implore his Grace, that by the Power of it they might recover themselves, and be brought out of the great Danger they were in of dying in their Sins, into the happy state of being made alive unto GOD, who alone was able and willing to make such a blessed Change in them, as to turn their Temporal Shameful Death (which was approaching and terrible) in this World, into an Eternal Life of Immortal Glory and all Blissful Enjoyment in the next

When I had them under Examination in private, I severally admonish'd them, and apply'd my self with plain Instructions and earnest Exhorta

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