Westminster Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1719

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMWJPS653540008

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To the Worshipfull the Justices of
Ye Peace for Ye City & Libty of Westmr

We whose Names are hereunder written, Prisoners for Debt
in Yr; Goal aforesaid, Being Persons of low and indifferent Circum-
stances, & thereby are reduced & Compell'd to lye in the Common
-side of the said Prison: Humbly beg leave in Preservation of
Our Lives, to acquaint Yor: Worshpll: that by the Barbarous &
Instigation of ye Turnkey,The Keeper has removed us to a place
wherein We lye Wch: was Originally design'd and always kept
for yr: Use of Criminals and second alons Persons, Being a Palace
of excessive dampness and Cold, and that We are ready to attest that
by Continuing in yr: sd: Room We are all in danger of Death; And
that there being Sevl. Conveniencys in yr: said Goal wherein
We may be better provided for, We have accordingly applyed Our
Selves to the Keeper thereof for a Removal into some other Room
But he having refused Us, We hereby make Our Genl: Complained
Humbly hoping Yor: Worship's will please to order the sd. Keeper
to provide a Place for us wherein We may not he in danger of
being more miserable than We really are by Our Consinemt: That
We are Persons who have been Confin'd sevl. Months, whereby
We are greatly Impoverish'd; and that there are two Boxes for
our Relief on yr: Common side One whereof we understand we are
to be deprived of by Yr: Criminals, wch: there never was a President
for, they only belonging to Debtors in this and in all other Goals,
& that likewise Yr; Debtrs who lye on yr: Master side, and who
have been here but few days whereby their Circumstances cannot
be greatly reduced, are by Order of Yr: sd. Keeper to Participate
of yr: Boxes Wch: is a great Injustice to the Priviledge we
ought to have. We humbly leave these Our great hardships to
yr: Worship: Considerations, hoping in Compassion you will
remove these our Grieveances. Given under Our hands this
31th: day of Novr:1719.

Edwd. Worlidge< no role >
Rishd. Hodgson< no role >
George Pitcher< no role >
[..] Stephens
Humb: Tudor< no role >
Daniel Jeamet< no role > }

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