Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

April 1796

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS509240051

Image 51 of 897th April 1796

To the Worshipful his Majestis;s Justices of the Peace
for the County of Middlesex in their general Luarter Scfsions
of the Peace afsembled

The humble Petition of the Right
Houorable Lady Mary Coke Inhabilant< no role > and
House heolder of the Parish of Saint Luke Chelsea
in the said lsounty of Middlesex


That your petitioner is the Owncer and Occupier
of a certain Message or Tousnessl and prooses together with some
meadow and garden ground situate and being within the said
parish of saint Luke chelsea and therefore liable to the payment
of a proportionate Share of the Money assessed in the said parish
for the support and relief of the Poor

That in the year one thousand seven hundred and eighty six
yours petision came to reside in the said parish of Saint Luke Chelsea
and in the year one thousand severn hundred and eighty seven she
being disschifsied with the assessment for that year made on the sand
Premuses by her the same being as she was advised are five and
partial as it axcecded very much their anunual Rent or valued and
convsiting herself aggrieved appealed at the youeral Luarter Sessious
for the bounty of Middlesex holden on the msith day of Iuly one
thousand seven hundred and eighty seven for this bacused again of the
said Rate when upon heaving the said appeal and what had
been allcd god by the respactise parties their becused and witnesses
in and concersing the Preuises It was Ordered that the said
Rate a assessont so far as concerned your Pctitioner for and in
rcssict of the said Mcsouage tonosment Prouises and grounds should
be altered and arounded in relief of your Petitiner the said Lady
Mary boke by rating and charging her in and by the said Rate or
Asscsousout as the sum of one hundred and hsenty pounds as and
for the yearly rout or value of the said Mosuage Tonoiout &
Prainses and grounds which, with the sum of Twenty four pounds

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