Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

February 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS502980058

Image 58 of 855th February 1734


Whereas by writing under my hand dated the Twelfth day of January
last I did give you Notice of My Intencons to Pull down the old Party wall
between the Dwelling house of which I am Owner Scituate Standing and
being on the South side of Church street in the Parish of St. Ann within the
Libty of Westminster in the County of Middx late in the Occupation of
Dalmane widdow and one Other Dwelling house Adjoining to it Scituate
in the same Street Now in the Occupacon of Bochard widdow and
Others of which last menconed house you are or Pretend to be Owner To
the End that the said Particon wall might within one Month after be
Viewed by four or more able workmen to be named Pursuant to the
Direcon of the Statute in that behalf made) And whereas by one Other
Writing under My hand bearing date the Thirty first day of January
last I did given you Notice of three Persons being able workmen to meet
On my part and behalf any other workmen you should Name at the
Dwelling house above menconed to be late in the Occupation of
Dalmane widdow On Wednesday the Sixth day of February
instant at Eleven a Clock in the forenoon in order to view the said
Partition wall And whereas you have made default therein
And have not Since my said Notice of the said Twelfth day of January
last Named any person whatsoever on your part and behalf to view
the said Partition wall Pursuant to the Direcon of the said Act Now
I do hereby given you Notice that the four persons whose Names are
hereunder written being able workmen will meet at the Dwelling
house above menconed to be late in the Occupacon of
Dalmane widdow to Morrow at Eleven a Clock in the forenoon in
Order to view the said Party wall According to the Direcon of the said
An of Parliament Dated the 5th day of February 1733

Henry Crosse< no role >

George Wyatt< no role > of Cross Street near Carnaby Market in the Parish of St. James
within the Libty of Westmr in the County of Middx Bricklayer

Owen Sainsbury< no role > of Oxford market in the Parish of St. Marylebone in the said
County Carpenter .

Francis Flight< no role > of Queen Street in the Parish of St. George Hanover Square
in the said County Carpenter

Francis Thredgold< no role > of Oxford Street in the Parish of St. Marylebone aforesaid

To Mrs Susannah Fenn< no role >

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