Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1720

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS501890094

Image 94 of 2195th September 1720

The London Gazette.

Published by Authority.

From Tuesday September 20 to Saturday September 24.1720 .

Stockholm , August 24

On Monday the 22d Instant , about Nine
in the Morning, the King and the
Prince of Hesse his Brother came from
Carlberg in the Palace here in Town; where
his Highness took Leave of the Senators then
assembled there; and after about half an
Hour's Stay his Majesty and the Prince Pro-
ceeded to Grypsholm , where they were to hunt
Yesterday and To-Day, and To-Morrow it is
said they will go on to Kongsoher . As by
the Form of Government established last Sessi-
on by the States two Senators are constant-
ly to attend the King on all his Journies, his
Majesty has in Conformity thereto now taken
the Counts Eck blad and Banier with him, Count
Taube, who accompanies the Prince to Germa-
ny, was somewhat indisposed on Monday, so
that he only followed Yesterday Morning. The
Queen continues at Carlberg . Last Saturday a
Polish Nobleman named Lubomirsky, arrived
here form Dantzick, on the Part of the King
of Poland, but without any Character, to
compliment the King on his Accession to the
Throne; and on Sunday in the Evening he
had an Audience of his Majesty for that Pur-
pose at Carlberg; but the Queen being then
indisposed, his Audience of her Majesty was
put off till this Evening.

Stockholm Sept.3. The Season beginning
to be cold and rainy the Queen removed on
the 30th past from Carlberg to the Palace here,
where the Court will continue during the Ap-
proaching Winter. The King came back hi-
ther the 31st past in the Evening having
parted form the Prince his Brother the 29th
at one of the Royal Seats called Stromsholm.
After his Majesty had been in Council on
the 1st Instant in the Morning he received the
Compliments of the foreign Ministers and other
Persons of Distinction upon his safe Return.

Naples , Sept 6. General Wallis being arri-
ved here from Messina , is performing a Fort-
night's Quarantain in the Castel del Ovo . It
is now said, that the Number of standing Forces
for the Security of this Kingdom and that of
Sicily is augmented; the former to fix Regi-
ments of Foot and two of Horse, and the o-
ther to seven Regiments of Foot and three
of Horse.

Madrid , Sept. 9. The Court removes on the
25th Instant from the Escurial to Balsain , there
to reside about a Month. Several General
Officers who are arrived from Sicily , are or-
dered to repair forthwith to Seville , and to
prepare to serve in the Expedition to Africa ;
and it is said they will speedily be follow-
ed by the Marquess de Lede, who arrived
here the 7th at Noon, and went the next
Day to the Escurial , We have Advice, that
great Bodies of Troops from divers Parts of
Spain , arrive daily at Cadiz , Malaga , and o-
ther Towns in that Neighbourhood. All the
Forces appointed for this new Expedition,
make together much the same Number that
was sent upon that against Sicily in the Year

1718; though not one Regiment which was
in that Service is Ordered upon this, but the
General Officers are for the most pars the same.

Genes , Sept. 19 . On the 14th Instant arrived
here a Pelucca, dispatched nine Days before
by the Genouese Consul at Marseilles , with
Advice that the Plague there seemed to be
some what abated; that from the 1st of this
Month to the 2d there died 217 Persons, from
the 2d to the 3d 118, form the 3d to the 4th
143 and from the 4th to the 5th 62; that
several upon whom the Distemper had broke
out had cured themselves by the use of some
common Medicines: that about 100 of the
Galley Slaves who had been employed to bury
the dead, had all perished; that 200 more
Galley Slaves were ordered to clear the Streets
and Houses of the dead, that they had 8 Carts
for that Service, and that the Consuls with
other Officers of the Town were obliged to
March on Horseback at the Head of those
Slaves, to see them dispatch their Work and to
prevent plundering or other Disorder. This
Day arrived in Sight of this Port, a Number of
Transports from Sicily having on Board 1200
Men of the Regiment of Wirtemberg design-
ed for Milan : Whereupon this Government
has sent them Orders to go to Vado and per-
form Quarantain there. A French Ship is like-
wise come to the Mouth of our Harbour, which
had been denied Admittance into the Ports
of Spain , and also at Port Mohan

Extract of a Letter from Major Elrington, the
Commanding Officer at Gibraltar , dated, Aug. 26,
1720 , O. S. Having lately received several
Accounts that the Plague is broke out at Mar-
seilles , and particularly by a Certificate from Co-
lonel Kane, Lieutenant Governour of Minorea ,
dated August 18, 1720 . O. S. I Shall take par-
ticular Care how I admit any Vessels into this
Port from the Coast of France ; and have for
that Purpose appointed a Product-Boat to lie
continually off Europa-Point to stop all Ves-
sels coming into this Bay, till I am acquaint-
ed from whence they come, and the Condi-
tion of their People.

By the Commissioners appointed to exa-
mine, state, and determine the Debts
due to the Army.

Whereas a Letter, dated London , September 5. 1720 ,
directed to William Tonge< no role > , Esqr: and the other Honour-
able Commissioners of Accounts , and Sign'd Nicholas
< no role > , has been received, complaining of several in-
direct and illegal Practices made use of by the Officers of
the Right Honourable Lieutenant General Wills's late
Regiment of Marines, relating to the Accounts of the
said Regiment now depending before this Board, in order
to obtain form the Government greater Sums of Money
then they are Justly intituled to, and offering to make
appear to the said Commissioners Several Frauds and
Abuses committed by the said Officers for that Purpose
These are to give Notice. That if the Person who wrote
the said Letter, will appear before the said Commissioners
as their Office in Dorset-Court , Westminster , and Proud
the Allegations therein, he shall receive all date Encou-
ragement and Protection.

By Order of the Board,
Jas, Moody.< no role >

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