Middlesex Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

October 1691

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMPS500140079

Image 79 of 11729th October 1691

Middx ss.

Jno Robins< no role >

WHEREASEdward Fryer< no role >
a Prisoner in the Prison of theLibty of Hackney
in the said County [..] this day came before me
John Robins< no role > Esq : one of their Majesties Justices of the
Peace for the said Countyof Middx
praying to have the Benefit of two several
Acts of Parliament made in the 22th.and 23th, and the 30th. years
of the Reign of King Charles the Second, and of one other Act made
in their present Majesties Reign for the Relief or poor Prisoners for
Debt and Dammages, and having sworn before me that on the
28th. day of November, 1690 .Hewas actually a Prisoner in the
Custody of the Goaler or Keeper ofHackneyPrison in the
County ofMiddxat the Suit ofWilliam Peake< no role > with-
outhisConsent or Procurement, or by any Fraud of Collusion
whatsoever, and having likewise taken the Oath appointed in the
first mentioned Act made in the Reign of King Charles the Second:
These are therefore by vertue of the said Acts to require and appoint
you one of the Creditors of the saidEdward Fryer< no role >
andhethe said Prisoner to appear before Their Majesties Justices
of the Peace of the said County at the next General Quarter-Seffi-
ons to be holden for the said County then and there to shew Cause
why the said Prisoner should not be discharged according to the
true intent and meaning of the said Act. Given under my Hand
and Seal this29oday ofOctoberin the
Third Year of the Reign of our Soveraign Lord and Lady, King
WILLIAM and Queen MART over England, Etc. Annoqr
Dom. 1691

ToRichard Pilkington< no role > Creditor of the above named
Edward Fryer< no role >


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