Middlesex Sessions:
General Orders of the Court

22nd February 1725 - 19th January 1734

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSMGO556000086

Image 86 of 6969th December 1725

Sume of ten pounds for one Quarters allowance for his trouble
and expences in passing and conveying of Vagrants
through this County And the petitioner therefore prayed
that the Court would be pleased to Order the payment of
the said ten pounds unto the peticoner for the said service,
the consideration of which peticon being adjourned untill
this present Sessions It is Ordered by this Court that it be
And it is hereby recomended and referred unto his Maties Justices
of the peace for this County residing within the Hundred of
Edmonton in the said County to examine if the peticoner
hath onely performed the service of passing and conveying of
Vagrants as he ought to have done, And if any and what Sume
of Money is due to him for the said Service, And to make their
report in writing touching the premisses unto the Court on
the County day of the next General Quarter Sessions of the
peace to be holden for this County.

P Adjorn Jovis 9 o. die Decembris 1725

Order concerning the
contracts made by Fra:
Browne Carpenter< no role >
relating to the repairing of
Chertsea Bridge Etc}

Upon information given unto this Court that part of a publique
Bridge called Chertsea bridge as in this County is very much
dampnified by the late Floods and that some care is proper to
be taken to have the same repaired, And that one Francis
Browne of Laleham in this County Carpenter is by some
contract or contracts by him made to keep such part of the
said bridge as is in this County in good and sufficient
repair for a yearly Sume or Yearly Sumes of Money to be paid
him for that purpose, It is Ordered by this Court that it be
And It is hereby recomended and referred unto James
Clitherow Nicholas Bland< no role > John Venner< no role > Nicholas Jeffreys< no role >
William Colesworth< no role > and Richard Bulstrode< no role > Esqrs . Justices
of the peace of this County and the rest of his Maties
Justices of the peace of this County residing within New
Brentford Division in the said County and all others of
his Maties Justices of the peace of the said County that will
please to attender any three or more of them as a Comittee
to look into the contract or contracts entred into by the
said Francis Browne< no role > relating to the repairing of such part
of Chertsea bridge aforesaid as is in this County, And to
consider how farr the said Brown is Obliged by the said
contract or contracts to repair the same, And what is
proper to be done on behalf of this County concerning the

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