City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

9th September 1777 - 27th May 1779

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150890008

Image 8 of 18915th January 1778

said Samuel Robinson< no role > and the said Bankrupt are very
complicated and confused as are also the Affairs of the said
Thomas Sherwood< no role > in general owing to his having kept
proper Books of Account according to the usage and Custom of
Persons in the same way of Trade and Business on which
account it is as this Deponent is advised and verily believes
extremely material for the Creditors of the said Thomas Sherwood< no role >
that his last Examination should be taken under the said
commission at the Day and Time originally appointed for the
Purpose more especially as the said Thomas Sherwood< no role > rather
yet never passed any Examination before the said Commissioners
touching the Disclosure and Discovery of his Estate and Effects and
this Deponent and the said other Assignees and as this Deponent
hath been informed and believe several other of the Creditors of the
said Thomas Sherwood< no role > are desirous that the said Thomas Sherwood< no role >
should pass his last Examination under the said Commission
which this Deponent and the said other Assignees and creditors
apprehends may be very material for the Discovery of this Estate
and Effects and the said Thomas Sherwood< no role > is as he as informed
this Deponent willing to pass such Examination and this
Deponent and the said other assignees and several of the said
creditors have several Questions to put to the said Bankrupt
at the Time of such last Examination which this Deponent
apprehends may tend to the better Discovery of his Estate and
Effects and to the benefit of the Prosecutors as well as the other creditors
of the said Thomas Sherwood< no role > in case the said Prosecutors be
admitted creditors under the said Commission which as this
Deponent is informed they claim to be and this Deponent further
saith that he is advised that unless the Trial of the said Thomas
Sherwood is postponed until some future Period this Deponent
and the other Creditors under the Commission against the said
Thomas Sherwood< no role > will totally loose and be deprived of the
Benefit they may otherwise obtain by the last Examination
of the said Thomas Sherwood< no role > under the said Commission if he
should be convicted of the offence where with he now stands

Sworn at Justice Hall in the
Old Bailey the 15th. day of
January 1778 }

James Gusthart< no role >

By the Court

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