City of London Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents

23rd June 1772 - 23rd December 1773

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMSLPS150840017

Image 17 of 23115th January 1773

London Prisoners upon Orders.

1 Nathaniel Bayley< no role > , other-
wise Bayliss< no role > , otherwise
John Bayley< no role > , otherwise
Bayliss< no role > ,
2 James Crompton< no role > ,
3 Benjamin Bird< no role > ,
4 John Law< no role > ,}
Attainted last session of several felonies, and received judg-
ment of death.

5 Walter Malone< no role > , convicted last session of felony, ordered to be branded, and impri-
soned one month.

6 Elias Cherry< no role > , convicted last session of felony, and received judgment of transporta-
tion for seven years, was delivered on board the transport-vessel; but having re-
ceived his Majesty's pardon, was on Jan. 2, 1772, remanded by warrant under
the hand of the Right Hon. the Earl of Suffolk, in order to plead th same, or give
bail for so doing, and is since discharged.

7 James Fox< no role > , committed last session by the Court for wilful and corrupt perjury in his
evidence on the trial of James Curd< no role > for felony, orderd to remain for bail.

He hath since been detained on suspicion of felony perpetrated in the county of
Essex , and remains thereon, vide Middlex Commitments, No. 1.

8 William Hughes< no role > This name instance is in set 3648. , convicted last session of felony, and received judgment of death;
but being respited, ordered to remain.

9 Joseph Sloper< no role > , convicted in Jan. session 1771, of secreting and embezzling a certain letter
entrusted to his care (as a person employed in stamping letters at the General Post-
Office, Lombard Street ) and the verdict being found special, remains for judg-
ment, Etc,Also convicted of stealing two half guineas, and judgment being
respited, ordered to remain.

10 Susannah Lackwood< no role > , convicted at Guildhall Sept. 7, 1772., of keeping and main-
taining a common ill-governed and disorderly house, was fined 1s. and committed
to be imprisoned 6 months.


{11 Thomas Castleman< no role > , standing indicted for wilful and corrupt perjury, ordered to ramain
for bail.

12 Samuel Spurway< no role > , standing indicted for wilful and corrupt perjury, ordered to remain
for bail,

13 Samuel Dring< no role > , standing indicted for wilful and corrupt perjury, ordered to remain
for bail.

14 James Harrison< no role > , convicted Dec. 23, 1771 for a riot and assaulting John Crocker< no role > ,
was fined 12d. and ordered to be imprisoned five weeks.

15 John Gilberton< no role > , convicted last session for receitfully uttering and tendering in pay-
ment a counterfeit quarter guinea knowing the same to be counterfeit, having at the
same time in his custody a counterfeit shilling knowing the same to be counterfeit,
ordered to be imprisoned one year, and final sureties for two years.

16 John Innis< no role > , otherwise Jennis< no role > , otherwise Johannes< no role > , indicted at the Admiralty session of
felony and piracy, ordered to remain till next Admiralty session.

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