Old Bailey Sessions:
Sessions Papers - Justices' Working Documents


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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMOBPS450240391

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I do hereby Certify That at the Assizes and General Delivery of the Gaol
of our Lord the King holden at Warwick in and for the County of Warwick On Saturday
the Eleventh day of August in the twenty first year of the reign of our Sovereign
Lord George the Third King of Great Britain Etc. Before The Honourable Beaumont Hotham< no role >
Knight One of the Barons of our said Lord the King of his Court of Exchequer and
others is Fellows Justices of our said Lord the King assigned to Deliver the said
Gaol of the prisoners therein being Jonathan Goodman< no role > late of the parish
of Saint Mary in the Borough of Warwick in the County of Warwick Labourer
was and Stood Indicted For that the on the Tenth day of April in the twenty first
Year of the reign of our Sovereign Lord George the Third King of Great Britain Etc
with force and arms at the parish aforesaid in the Borough and County aforesaid One
Chesnut Golding of the price of Ten pounds of the Goods and Chettels of John Parkes< no role >
then and there being found feloniously did Steal take and lead away against the
peace of our said Lord the King his Crown and Dignity To which Indictment he the
said Jonathan Goodman< no role > Pleaded Not Guilty and by a Jury of the Country in that
behalf duly taken was tried and acquitted of the Felony and Horse Stealing aforesaid
Given under my Hand this twenty third day of August one thousand Seven
hundred and Eighty one

Sept. Sessn

Frans. Waters< no role >
Deputy Clerk of ye. Assizes

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