City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

3rd January 1799 - 31st December 1799

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650120081

Image 81 of 8588th February 1799

Night that in the round of the Night Dept. asked the deced how he
came to out his Throat he sayed he did not how it was he could give
no account of it no more than a Child that no person was in the Room
with him as the time that his Wife was gone out That the deced
continued very quiet and still [..] that Night That in the Course of the
next day [..] he was quiet and still but towards Night appeared
very much disored in his Mind talked very wild and incoherently
and continued from the time until his Death about five oClock
yesterday in a very will frantic State quite raving at times so
much to that he could hardly be kept in Bed

Sworn this 8th. day of February
1799 before me}

Ann [mark] Dark< no role >

Richard Cripps< no role > of No. 38 Duke Street London Maketh Oath that on his
return to his House about five oClock on Monday Evening last he being
informed that he deced was taken to the Hospital Deponent went to the
Hospital and saw the deced there that he appeared some what sensible
Dept. returned to his House and went into the deceds Appartments two
pair of Stairs and in the back Room on 2 Chair Dept. found a Razer
and small pen knifeand Ragerboth bloody and some blood on the
Blankets on the Bed and some blood on the floor at the Bedside
that laterly the deced hour been in the habit of being [..] intoxicated in
[..] Evening almost every Evening of the Week

Sworn this 8th. day of February
1799 before me}

Richd Cripps< no role >

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