City of London Coroners:
Coroners' Inquests into Suspicious Deaths

5th January 1792 - 31st December 1792

About this document type

Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: LMCLIC650050089

Image 89 of 8615th July 1792


Informations of Witnesses taken
at the parish of Saint Catherine Coleman
in the ward of Aldgate in London aforesaid
on the 5th day of July 1792 on view of the
Body of a Man unknown now here lying

James Roberts< no role > of No. 103 Fenchurch Street< no role >
London Corn chandler maketh Oath that [..]
between the hour of ten and Eleven in the Morning
of [..] Yesterday [..] Dept. standing at his Door saw
a Man who appeared to be Working Man very
meanly dressed sit himself down upon the Ground near some Brick
eitheron the outside of a Hoard nextsidethe Street
near Northumberland Alley in Fenchurch Street
that he appeared to hang his head down as if he was
not well that several people gathered round him
that in about ten Minutes afterwards some persons
came by and sayed the Man is dead" / meaning as
Dept. understood and thought the Man he had just
before seen it down near the Bricks an before mentd.

Sworn the 5th day of
July 1792 before me}

James Roberts< no role >

Charles Tansum< no role > a Towerer & Dyer and a
Lodger at No. 14 Bookers Gardens Leadenhall
Street London maketh Oath that about ten Minutes
after ten on [..] Yesterday Morning
Dept. saw the deced sit down on some Brick near a
Hoard in Fenchurch Street near Northumberland
Alley. that he lay his Lead against some Bricks at
his Back that He appeared very ill that soon after on
Dept. return he found [..] the deced still sitting on the
Bricks in the same situation he had before seen him in that then Dept. and the Beadle of the Parish
took the deced in [..] a Chair of [..] St. Catherine
Coleman Workhouse that when they got there
Dept examined the deced that there appeared
very little Life in him. Dept placed him on a
Bed in the Workhouse and then left him that

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