St Botolph Aldgate Parish:
Churchwardens and Overseers of the Poor Account Books

1759 - 1778

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Currently Held: London Metropolitan Archives

LL ref: GLBAAC100050021

Image 21 of 210 1761

An Account of the Receipts and Disbursements of Mr. John
< no role > upper Churchwarden of the Parish of Saint Botolph
without Aldgate for the Year 1761 .

Receipts by Ward Rents.

£ s d

Received of Mr. Hawes by Mr. Swanston< no role > One Years Rent for a House
next the Red Cross in the Minories due at Lady day 1762
4 - -

Of Mr. Pepiat One Years Ground Rent for three Houses in
Hounsditch due at Ditto
25 - -

Of Mr. John Towers< no role > One Years Rent for the late Mr. KIngs
Dwelling House due at Ditto
20 - -

Of Mr. John Woodward< no role > by the hands of Mr. Pistor One Years Rent
for the Shops under Sir John Cass< no role > 's Charity Schools< no role > due at Ditto
40 10 -

Of Mr. Harding One Years Rent for part of London Prentice Yard due at Ditto 7 - -

Of the Exventors of Sir Philip Hall< no role > One Years Rent for Chequer Yard
due at Ditto
1 - -

Of Thomas Crane< no role > One Years Rent Per Still Yard due at Ditto34 - -

Of Mrs. Allingham One Years Rent for Houses in Croydon due to
Michas 1761
25 - -

Of Mr. George Wellings< no role > one Years Rent for Houses in Somerset
Street due at Lady day 1762
25 - -

Of Mr. John Cator< no role > This name instance is in set 3332. one Years Rent for a House in Ditto due Ditto2 19 4
Of Barthw Greenwood< no role > Esqr . One Years Rent for Houses in Ditto due Ditto6 - -
£169 9 4

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