Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

26th April 1781 - 12th July 1792

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202090468

Image 468 of 51416th May 1798


XXI. That, upon application by the friends to the Steward, one of the
Keepers be directed to carry away any dangerous patient who may have been
discharged as Incurable; but this not to be done on any account without
such application and direction.

XXII. That, when patients are discharged sick and weak, their securities
shall take them away within Six days after notice thereof ; and that all patients
be stripped and examined, and sent away clean and decent.

XXIII. That the Committee have a discretionary power to relievepatients, on
their discharge when cured, with any sum of money not exceeding 20 shillings.

XXIV. That the Committee do view the house and patients at least once
a month, and minute down any thing of moment in a book.

XXV. That the poor's box be opened the last Saturday in every month,
in the presence of the Weekly Committee.

XXVI. That all the gates belonging to the Hospital, and both Galleries,
be kept constantly shut.

XXVII. That the keys of the gates be numbered and delivered to the
respective Officers and Servants ; who shall not give them out of their pos-
session to any patient, of other person, Officer, or Servant, on pain of suspen-
sion or dismission.

XXVIII. That all the Men Servants (the Porter excepted) do watch in ro-
tation; and that the first Assistant Keeper be always the Cook, and the
second the Cutter.

XXIX. That the Servant who watches shall go round the house and
galleries, the court and back-yard, and the infirmary-yard, and proclaim
every hour, and audibly call the same from Eleven o'clock at night till Seven
o'clock in the morning in winter, on pain of suspension or dismission, and
then deliver the keys to the Porter ; and that the person who officiates as
Watchman the preceding night shall take charge of the Gate every evening
from Five till Ten o'clock in winter, and from Seven till Eleven in summer.

XXX. That no Servant be permitted to be absent on pretence of Illness,
or otherwise, without the consent of the Committee or Medical Officers.

XXXI. That no person be admitted a Servant in the Hospital, until after
a trial of Two months.

XXXII. That no work or repairs be done at the Hospital (except by a
Carpenter, who shall be kept there constantly at jobbing work) without an
order in writing from the Committee and Surveyor, to be communicated by
the Clerk and Steward.

XXXIII. That if any Officer or Servant take any christmas-box, see, or
perquisite whatever, from any tradesman or other, he be immediately dis-
charged, and the tradesman giving the same be incapable of serving the
Hospital again.

XXXIV. That patients without certificates be admitted, on giving dou-
ble security, at discretion of the Bethlem Committee.



Is not to follow any trade or business, or hold any other palce or employ-
ment whatsoever, but to appropriate his whole time to the service of the
Charity ; and not to lie out of the Hospital without leave of the Treasurer,
or Weekly Committee.

He is to enter the names of all patients as admitted ; their respective settel-
ments (if any); and the names and places of abode of their securities; and
the time when any patient dies or is discharged, and give due notice thereof,
and of the vacancies, to their friends or securities.

To adjust and receive all deposits and payments due for the patients in
general, and pay the Treasurer such part thereof as is not wanted for the
ordinary payments at the Hospital.

To enter in a book all monies received by him, and produce his
accompts every Saturday to the Committee.

To take charge of the Wardrobe, and deliver out all necessary bedding
and cloathing for the patients; making the most use he can of such bedding
as may have been lest on the discharge or death of patients.

To take care that all Stores, whether contracted for or not, be of
the best forts, and purchased at reasonable rates, to the best of his judgement ;
and not to receive any goods or provisions into the Hospital without a note
in writing, or bill of parcels, which is to be regularly filed.

To go down into the Kitchen, every Tuesday, Thursday, and Satur-
day, in the morning, time enough to see that the provisions which are then
to be taken in are of a good quality, and according to the contract, and be
laid ready for the inspection of the Governors, if any come to view them;
otherwise to see them weighed himself, and enter them down in his book for
the examination of the next Committee.

To number the pieces of meat before they are put into the pot ; and
attend to the cutting up of the provisions when dressed, to see if the accompts
tally, and to take care that no waste be made, nor nay misapplied or given
away, and that no person, except the Servants of the house, be permitted to
remain in the kitchen or cutting-room whilst the provisions are cutting or
serving up. To take care that no patient be employed in delivering the pro-
visions into the several cells, but that the same be done by the Basket-men
and Gallery-maids only.

To take care that no more provisions are dressed than are necessary for
the Servants and the patients of the house; and, in order to know this with
more certainty, the number of patients who are on the sick list shall constantly
hang up in the cutting-rooms.

To take all necessary care that the Cook make no waste of provisions,
or appropriate to himself any perquisites.



He is not to suffer the small-beer cellar to be opened but at the usual
hours; nor any person to draw beer but the Assistant Keeper, who is to
draw only one hour at dinner, and half an hour at supper, and carefully lock
the door when he leaves the cellar. To take the book down into the cellar
every Saturday, that the Committee may see what beer has been received,
and how much consumed in the preceding week.

He is not to suffer any strong-beer to be brought into the house for any
Patient whatsoever but at particular hours, and then only for such persons, and
in such quantities, as the Physician, Surgeon, or Apothecary, shall have di-
rected, and set down in a written list; nor permit any spirituous liquors to
be brought into the Hospital on any presence.

He shall go round the galleries, and up into the chequers, both on the
men's and women's side, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, in the
forenoon, to see that the galleries and cells are kept as clean and as neat as
the condition of the patients will admit ; and see that their linen and sheets
be duly changed, and that the men and maids do open the doors and windows,
that the circulation of air may not be impeded.

He is to observe that the glazing and wires belonging to the windows be
kept tight and decent, and in good order.

To take care that a proper quantity of coals be distributed to the
rooms where fires are allowed ; to direct the cinders to be sifted, and suffer
no waste to be made.

To see that the workmen employed in repairs, or otherwise, do regu-
larly attend and do their duty ; and also that they enter the same in
a proper book to be kept by him for that purpose.

To see performed all casual orders of the Court, Committee, or

If any deaths of patients or securities have happened, or any repairs, alte-
rations, or reforms be necessary, he is to advertise the Weekly Committee

He is to supervise all the Servants and the house, and to take care that the
orders for the good government of the Hospital be strictly observed ; and if he
finds any disorder or mismanagement, to acquaint the Weekly Committee.


Is to go round the house every day on the women's side before Ten
o'clock, but on Tuesday before Nine ; and to see that the linen and sheets of
patients are regularly changed as they ought to be.

She is to go down into the stove-room in the winter time, by Eight o'clock
in the morning, to see that the fires are lighted, and then order the patients
proper for that purpose to be carried there as soon as they conveniently can ;
and, if she finds the Gallery-maids and Keepers negligent therein, she is im-
mediately to complain to the Steward.


To see that that the patients in general are taken care of, and kept as clear
as their complaints will allow of ; and to take care that the straw, on which
the patients are laid, is changed when damp or dirty.

To distribute the patients in their cells so that each Gallery-maid may have a
proper number of those who are sit to work to assist her ; and employ such of
the patients at their needle as are capable, when not otherwise busied.

And she is to take care that those patients who are low-spirited, or inclined
to be mopish, be obliged to get up, and quit their cells, and the doors locked,
that they may not return to their beds; and acquaint the Physician when any
of the patients take to their beds without particular sickness.

She is to take particular care that such of the women patients as are lewdly
given be confined to their cells, and no person be suffered to come to them but
in company with one of the Gallery-maids.

To take particular care of the sick, and see that they are moved into the in-
firmary if judged necessary by the Physician, and there taken care of.

To bring into the committee-room such women patients as are discharged

To hire the Gallery-maids with the approbation of the Treasurer or Com-
mittee, and discharge them with consent of the same, whenever she finds
them negligent in their duty, wanting in care, or otherwise misbehaving to-
wards the patients.

To receive the linen and other necessaries brought in with the patients by
their friends, and deliver them to the Gallery-maids, under whose care the pa-
tients are placed ; and see that they keep an account thereof in writing, that
the same may be delivered up when the patient is discharged, or, if torn,
that the pieces may be returned, to shew that they have not been purloined.

To take an account of the linen before it goes to the wash, and see that
it be returned according to the quantity delivered ; the is to go down in the
laundry on Wednesdays, to observe the washer-women, and to see whether
the linen belonging to the patients be properly boiled, and washed.


Is to be the Keeper of, and to open and shut, the gates and doors, and
take care that the bar gates on both Sides be kept shut.

To be on his station from Six in the morning until Seven in the
evening during the summer, and from Seven till Five in the winter, and not
on any presence to quit his station at the door after the same is opened, du-
ring any part of the day, without leave of the Steward, and first appointing a
proper person to supply his place.

To receive from the Steward all warrants on the admission of patients ; and
regularly to enter and file the same.

He is not to suffer any strong beer, or other liquors, to be brought in for
the patients on any account, but under the direction of the Steward, nor to

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