Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010280

Image 280 of 50023rd June 1693

London }

A Court holden at the Hosptl.
of Bridewell London on Fryday the 23th. of
June 1693 .

Daniel Baker< no role > Esqr . Treasurer

Sr . Edmund Turner< no role >
Mr. Comr. Williams
Mr. Kemp
Mr. Samll. Baker< no role >
Mr. Heames
Mr. Atwood
Mr. Wilkinson
Mr. Deputy Moor
Mr. Burrow

Mr. Wm. Lethieullier< no role >
Mr. Porter
Mr. James Smith< no role >
Mr. Robins
Aldrman Underhill
Mr. Empson
Cottll. Willett
Mr. Keys
Mr. Jenks.

Tho: Bennett< no role > a Pretended Soldier P Warrt. of Sr.
Peter Daniell< no role > charged by a Spaniard named
John Anthony< no role > upon Suspicon of Picking his
pockett having justled him in the Streete
and evill entreated him

Wm. Gilbert< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Tho: Stamp< no role > charged by
Avis Dullman< no role > wife of John Dullman< no role > on
Suspicon to have pickt her pockett of 40s. in
money or thereabouts.

Lory an Indian Boy P Warrt. of St. John Moor< no role >
charged by Mr. Bigly Wilson< no role > This name instance is in a workspace. his Master for
To Labr. till neat Court at Mr.
Wilsons Charge over what beearnes.

Philip Forster< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Tho: Stamp< no role > charged by
Tho: Barker< no role > his Master for a rude and Disorderly
Pson who he suspects to have defrauded him of
Sewall sumes of money and goeing abroad without
his Leave neglecting his business and Staying abroad
Late and giving very Sawry & ill Language to his mistrese
& forward of sureties
To Labr. till his Father James to Town
at his Masters Charge.

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