Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

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Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010275

Image 275 of 5002nd June 1693

& Bethlem
London }

A Court holden at the Hospitall of
Bridewell on Fryday the Second of June 1693 .

Daniel Baker< no role > Esqr . Treasurer

Slingsby Bethel< no role > Esqr .
Capt Philipps
Mr. Turvin
Mr. Samll: Baker< no role >
Mr. Deputy Gardiner
Mr. Rousl.
Mr. Porter
Mr. Hartley
Mr. Key
Mr. Pochin
Mr. Burrows
Mr. Hanger
Mr. Wareing
Mr. Atwood
Mr. James Smith< no role >

Mr. Anbry
Mr. Soames
Mr. Kniceton
Mr. Shuter
Dr. Chamberlain
Mr. Erolton
Mr. East
Mr. Dupree
Mr. Fregne
Mr. Slaughter
Mr. Edmd. Leigh< no role >
Mr. Depty Gwinn
Mr. Weston.

Charles Williams< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Tho: Stamp< no role > charged by
Judith Cross< no role > for Coming into the Cellar of her Husband
and calling for Beer and breaking her Potts and
not paying for the Beer but abused her with ill
Language being a Debauched Lewd and Disorderly
Pson [..] and doth give noe good Account of his way
of Living and for want of Sureties for his good behaviour

Peter Wood< no role > P warrt. of Sr . Wm. Ashhurst< no role > charged upon
Oath by John Bradley< no role > Bargeman for Stealing from
him a Cheshire Cheese as it Lay upon brooks wharfe
of the value of 7s. he being also suspected by him
to have Stolen Seidall other things that he has lost from
the said wharfe at seidall times.
dd to his Capt.

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