Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010269

Image 269 of 50028th April 1693

Susanna Lockwood< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . John Moor< no role > charged by
her Master Roger Frech< no role > for Steaing Fish & running
away from her Service

Eliz: Raven< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robert Geffery< no role > charged by
Paulina Thompson< no role > for raising the Rabble agst. her
& her Child & might have Destroyed her & her Child

Richd. Colson< no role > of St. Kath Coleman Broker
Thos: Dawson< no role > of St. Kath Creechurch Taylor }
in £20.

For Eliz: Craven< no role > to appeare at next Session to
Answer to Paulina Thompson< no role > .

Eliz: Williams< no role > P Warrt. of Lord Mayor charged for Stealing
a Street of the Value of 4s.

Eliz: Atkinson< no role > P Warrt. of Sr . Robt Geffery< no role > charged by John
< no role > upon suspicon of Stealing Linnen Value 7s.
from him she being his Servant

Mary Harris< no role > (an old Prisoner) to Labr.

Mr. Kenrick
a Staft}

It is Ordered by this court That a Staff be sent to
Mr. Kenrick a Merchant in Crutched Fryer [..]

Sr . Robt. Geffery< no role >
to Sitt for his Picture}

Also This Court joyning with Mr. Trer in Desiring
the Right Worspll: Sr . Robert Jeffery< no role > Knt & Allderman
President of these Hospitalls That he would please to Pmitt
his Picture to be taken tin Order to be sett up in the Publick
hall of the Hospll: of Bridewell his Worsppp was pleased to
condissend thereto and Mr. Kneller and Mr. Lentall two
Linners being named for one of them to doe the same It
is left and Referred to Mr. Trer to employ such of them or
Such other fitt person as he shall thinke fitt.

Caleb Lester< no role >

Also Upon reading the Certificate of Mr. Thomas Whitfield< no role >
and Mr. Thomas Pattle< no role > (two of the Governors of these Hosplls.)
That upon Inquiry they doe find that Caleb Lester< no role > (who was
brought up Appntice with Robert Frost< no role > Shoemaker (late one
of the Artsmars . of this Hospll.) and since made a Freeman of
this Citty by the Approbacon of this Court) is sett of for
him selfe in his said Trade in Maiden lane and worketh for
Senall Neighbouring Familys thereabouts and hath a small

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