Bridewell Royal Hospital:
Minutes of the Court of Governors

6th January 1689 - 8th August 1695

About this document type

Currently Held: Bethlem Royal Hospital Archives

LL ref: BBBRMG202010264

Image 264 of 5007th April 1693

Eliz: Knight< no role >

To Labr.

Kath: Lewis< no role > P Warrt. Lord Mayor being any idle
person and Comon night walker being taken last
night in a Taverne by the Constable & his watch
& for want of Sureties

Mary Duppa< no role > P Warrt. Sr Patience Ward charged by
Nicholas Wale< no role > Constable of Farringdon without
for being a Lewd idle & disorderly person being
drunke & taken up at 2 a Clocke in the morning
& known to be a Comon Night walker

Martha Vayle< no role > P Warrt. Sr . Wm. Ashhurst< no role > charged
by Dennis Chandler< no role > & Mary Silby< no role > upon Suspison
of Stealing of three Scarfes & Senall other things

Sarah Holloway< no role > P Warrt. Mr. Recorder for being
A Lewd Pson & one that can give noe good
account of her selfe & for want of Suretiess

Mary Bates< no role >
Sarah Bates< no role > }
P Warrt Sr . Robt. Jeffery< no role > Charged by
Stephen Day< no role > & John Malpass< no role > for Stealing
2 Flowler from him, one of yn. taken upon
Sarah Bates< no role > .

Margaret Waite< no role > P Warrt. Sr . Robt Jeffery< no role > charged
by John Saxby< no role > for carrying a perke of Oysters to
his house pretending to cheat his wife of 1s: 6d wth. she
recd for the sd. Oysters & said it was by her husbands

Jane Blundell< no role > P warrt. Sr. Patiences Ward charged
by Thomas Witham< no role > her Master for an idle and
Disorderly Servant for pilfering Money or Farthings
out of his money Box in his Shop
To Labr. till next Court & to
have noe money yn. She Earnes.

Hester Bill< no role >
Grace Holloway< no role >
Eliz: Holeman< no role > }
P Warrt. Lord Mayor charged by Tho:
< no role > Citty Marshal being Lewd idle
P sons taken this Evening in a reputed
Bandy house giving noe good Account of
their lives & concersations & for want of Sureties

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