Old Bailey Proceedings:
Old Bailey Proceedings: Accounts of Criminal Trials

29th March 1792

About this dataset

Currently Held: Harvard University Library

LL ref: t17920329-40

198. DAVID ROACH proceedingsdefend was indicted for burglariously breaking and entering the dwelling-house of Titus Flouret proceedingsvictim , about eight in the night, on the 16th of February , and burglariously stealing therein, one black silk gown, value 3 s. one white muslin apron, value 12 d. a child's linen shift, value 6 d. a cap, value 12 d. a flannel petticoat, value 6 d. the property of David Meredith proceedingsvictim .

DAVID MEREDITH < no role > sworn.

I live No. 82, Wheeler-street. On Friday, the 16th of March, my wife and me went out between seven and eight, and returned a little past eight; when we came back we found the street door open; it was shut, latched, when we went out, but not locked; the prisoner was in the house with the property; I laid hold of him directly in the room, and the property was at his feet, all removed from the place where they had been left; they were the things in the indictment.

ELIZABETH MEREDITH < no role > sworn.

I am wife to the last witness. I came in first, and there was the prisoner; I called to my husband, and he stopped him; I latched the street door; there was no proper lock to it.


Transported for seven years .

Tried by the second Middlesex Jury before Lord KENYON.

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